Eri Cahyadi Surprised There Are 87 ASN Surabaya City Government So Residents Of Flats That Should Be For Low-Income Communities

SURABAYA - Mayor of Surabaya Eri Cahyadi was surprised that 87 State Civil Apparatus (ASN) of the Surabaya City Government became residents of flats (rusun). In fact, the flats are only intended for low-income people (MBR), not ASN.

"It turns out that the results of the check show that there is an ASN that lives in the flat, so it must be removed. Why did the ASN Wong not MBR go in there. I actually ordered the check," said Eri, in Surabaya, Tuesday, February 8.

Eri Cahyadi said the inspection was carried out by the Surabaya City Public Housing and Settlement Areas and Land Office (DPRKPP), in 20 flats managed by the Surabaya City Government since January 2022.

Among them are Rusunawa Urip Sumoharjo, Dupak Bangunrejo, Sombo, Penjaringansari, Warugunung, Wonorejo, Tanah Merah, Randu, Grudo, Pesapen, Jambangan, Siwalankerto, Romokalisari, Keputih, Bandarejo, Gununganyar Sawah, Dukuh Menanggal, Tambak Wedi, Indrapura, and Acne Tripe. .

"But we gave him a month to move. So, we didn't tell him to move right away, because maybe he didn't have a place," he said.

Eri Cahyadi emphasized that the flats were only intended for MBR. Because the MBR are residents who do not have a job or work with low income, so they only have enough to eat and school their children.

"I told friends at the city government, now is the time to work for the people. Finally, after checking, it turns out that there are indeed ASN and some who already have cars but don't leave the flats. So, it's time for us to check and arrange repeat," he said.

Eri Cahyadi ensured that in the future his party will build flats through YKP and also the private sector. However, the towers will be different from the previous ones that already exist, because the management of the flats is not from the city government, but from the party who built them.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Surabaya City DPRKPP, Irvan Wahyudradjad, said that his party would make various efforts to improve the management and data collection of the residents of the flats. One of them is by creating an e-rusun application, which is connected to MBR SIM Dinsos data and also Dispendukcapil data.

"Thus, through this application, it will be known which residents have entered the MBR and which have not. In this application there will also be data on receivables or arrears of residents who have not paid rent. In fact, we have also prepared digital payments or e-payments to make it easier for residents to pay. rent every month, so it can be done anywhere and anytime," he said.

In addition, his party is also reviewing the management of the flats using the BULD system and currently the Perda and Perwali are still being studied. Including the possibility of a commercial area to support the maintenance of the flats, so that the maintenance which is large enough to reach Rp. 15 billion per year, can be compensated with the commercial areas and MSMEs in the flats.

"So, in the future, we will make the management of the flats like professional apartments, although there will still be subsidies. Through these various efforts, we hope that the management and management of flats in Surabaya in the future will be better and the residents will be in accordance with their designation, namely MBR," he concluded.