Mother Of Fruit Trader In Taput Arrested For Selling Cannabis

MEDAN - The North Tapanuli Police Narcotics Unit (Taput) arrested a housewife who is also a fruit seller, Rosmaya Manurung (52). This mother was arrested for selling marijuana.

The Head of the Taput Police, AKBP Ronal Sipayung through the Head of Public Relations Aiptu W Baringbing, said the perpetrator was arrested based on information from the public.

"From information from local residents, while selling fruit and simultaneously distributing marijuana-type drugs," said Aiptu Baringbing in his statement, Tuesday, February 8.

The perpetrator was arrested at his shop, in front of the Sipoholon gas station. When arrested, the police found evidence of dried marijuana that was ready to be distributed.

"When examined in the drug unit room, the suspect admitted his actions. This was done, to increase his livelihood from selling the fruit while selling marijuana. Because selling the fruit was not selling well, he was forced to sell marijuana," he said.

To the police, the perpetrator said that the marijuana buyers were special customers from Taput who were known and trusted.

"According to his statement, the marijuana was bought from a resident of Sibolga. Then it was sold for profit," said Aiptu Baringbing.

From the hands of the perpetrators, officers confiscated 63.35 grams of marijuana.