Rizieq Shihab-Bahar Critical Figure Of Jokowi, Rafly Harun Asks Army Chief Of Staff To Dudung No Need To Baper, Cawe-Cat To Civil Politics

JAKARTA - Constitutional law expert Refly Harun asked the Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) General Dudung Abdurachman not to be fussy in civil politics.

This was conveyed by Refly following the criticism of Army Chief of Staff Dudung to Habib Rizieq Shihab and Bahar Smith at TNI AD Headquarters, Tuesday, February 8 this morning. Dudung asked the two of them not to talk like that.

"This is a matter of politics and unfortunately involves one of the TNI's top brass. I should have said that the TNI should not enter this area," said Redly Harun on his YouTube channel, @Refly Harun, reported Tuesday evening.

Refly added, both Riziq and Bahar Smit are figures who have been known to be critical of the Joko Widodo (Jokowi) government. As a result, every statement they make is part of that criticism. General Dudung, should not bring feelings alias baper.

"Habib Rizieq and Habib Bahar are people who are known or known to be critical of President Jokowi's government. So if for example they submit or issue a statement criticizing the government, that is indeed what is often done as a critical voice from the community, as a representation of the community's critical voice and no need to baper. This is about politics, no need to baper, "explained Refly.

Refly believes that the more KSAD Dudung responds to civil political affairs, the longer the polemic will be. Although on the one hand, groups that have been in the ranks of the Jokowi government will defend him.

The Army Chief of Staff should have taken an example from the attitude of the TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa, who avoided civil politics as much as possible.

"I don't think we've ever seen General Andika clumsy in civil political issues since he was KSAD until he became the TNI Commander. Hopefully, at least General Andika maintains this attitude as a TNI professionalism," explained Refly

For information, Army Chief of Staff Dudung mentioned the names of Bahar and Rizieq Shihab when discussing the issue of radicalism at TNI AD Headquarters this morning. According to the Army Chief of Staff, Bahar and Rizieq shouldn't have talked about all kinds of things.

"Try if Habib Smith doesn't have to say things, that's all. Rizieq too, coming home from there, you don't have to mess around. Do good, don't worry about it,"

"So what happens to us is actually identical to what we do to other people. If we are good, if we are bad to people, just wait there will be a reply," said Dudung.