Expert: Don't Be Careless, Local Government Must Anticipate Crowds To Prevent Omicron Spread

PURWOKERTO - Field epidemiologist from Jenderal Soedirman University (Unsoed) dr Yudhi Wibowo reminded local governments to make a number of strategic efforts to anticipate crowds and prevent the spread of COVID-19, especially the Omicron variant. the other is by putting the brakes on activities that cause crowds," he said in Purwokerto, Banyumas Regency, Tuesday, February 8. reminded that health protocols are not only applied, but must be even stricter, including those related to face-to-face learning activities in schools," he said. He added that local governments also needed to strengthen 3T capacity, namely testing or examination, tracing or tracking and treatment "It is necessary to further increase testing and tracing, and to massively increase case tracking in local transmission events," he said. Residents with confirmed Omicron should be isolated in a centralized isolation, if self-isolation is feared that the condition of the house for isolation does not meet the standard requirements, so that they are vulnerable to infecting other family members," he said. , including the booster vaccination program or the third dose. "In addition to limiting community activities that have the potential to cause crowds and strengthening health protocols, other things that need to be done are increasing vaccination coverage, including booster doses," he said. dal am vaccination programs in these areas. "The accelerated vaccination program, especially in areas where vaccination coverage is still not optimal, must be further improved, especially for the elderly and other vulnerable groups," he said.