Responding To The Ganjar-Puan Duet, Ganjarist: Funny, The Presidential Election Is Still Far From Being Matched Up

JAKARTA - Ganjar Pranowo's volunteer group, also known as Ganjarist, responded to a declaration of support for his hero to have a duet with Puan Maharani in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres).

According to the General Chairperson of Ganjarist, Eko Kuntadhi, the attempt to match the Governor of Central Java with the Chairman of the DPR was very funny. Moreover, the title of the presidential election is still quite far away.

"It's just funny, the people in the presidential election are still far from being matched. That's a funny matchmaking process," said Eko to reporters, Tuesday, February 8.

Eko assessed that the matchmaking between the presidential candidates and the vice presidential candidates would be determined by the party mechanism. So he said, the declaration of Laskar Ganjar Puan (LGP) in East Java had exceeded its capacity as a volunteer.

He explained that volunteers are only limited to providing public support to figures who are considered to have the ability to replace Joko Widodo's position as President of the Republic of Indonesia.

"We also don't want to take the proportion of parties that will do political lobbies, that will do political work, support presidential candidates and others, that's the proportion of party leaders," said Eko.

Eko also ensured that Ganjarist will continue to focus on encouraging and supporting Ganjar Pranowo to run as a presidential candidate in the 2024 presidential election. Although, he said, so far Ganjar has not clearly shown his interest.

Regarding the party that will carry Ganjar, Eko added, that is the business of the party leaders, not volunteers.

"The purpose or area of volunteers is to provide support to candidates who are considered to have good credibility, have a track record of good potential. So we see Pak Ganjar as one of the sons of Indonesia who does have the ability, I support that," concluded.

Previously, the flag with the basic red color featuring Ganjar Pranowo and Puan Maharani was flying in Surabaya. The photo flags of the two PDIP elites were installed by the DPD Laskar Ganjar Puan (LGP) of East Java.

"That's right, those are the voices of volunteers who want Pak Ganjar and Mbak Puan to run in the 2024 presidential election," said the chairman of the East Java LGP DPD, Saleh Ismail Mukadar, Saturday, February 5.

The fluttering Ganjar-Puan flag measures 50 x 40 cm. The red flags are often found on the Pasar Kembang flyover to the Jembatan Merah Plaza area.

Saleh explained the reasons why the East Java LGP, the majority of whom were claimed to be PDIP cadres, supported Ganjar-Puan. One of them so that there is no friction.

"The majority of these cadres are from PDIP, indeed, but these are non-party. Indeed, this is also the voice of the people, this is non-party structure. I am PDIP, we are seniors, we don't want our party to clash below. We present this idea to avoid friction below," said Saleh at the Internatio Building, Taman Jayengrono, Surabaya, yesterday.