More Intimate After Cadre Calls 'Regret To Support Ahok', Observer: Anies And PPP Are Close Because Of Need

JAKARTA - The relationship between the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan and the United Development Party (PPP) has become more intimate and harmonious lately. This was confirmed by the statement of PPP cadres who seemed to feel guilty for supporting Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok in the 2017 DKI Jakarta Pilkada.

Governor Anies also attended the anniversary of the PPP Party's birthday in Yogyakarta on January 31. In response, political communication observer at Esa Unggul University, M. Jamiluddin Ritonga, assessed that the closeness of Anies and PPP could not be concluded only through several meetings and statements. "Especially with regard to political support, of course it is difficult to find free ones," said Jamiluddin, Tuesday, February 8.

In politics, continued Jamiluddin, good or bad relations are very much determined whether there are interests that are beneficial to both parties. This also applies to the relationship between Anies and PPP.

"PPP does need someone who can increase its electability. This is necessary because until now the electability has been relatively low," he explained. "Even from several survey results, it is estimated that PPP will not enter Senayan if its electability continues to be below 4 percent," he continued.

To boost PPP's electability, according to Jamiluddin, Anies is the right person. This is because Anies' supporters are also the target of PPP. If PPP is close to Anies, let alone nominated him as a presidential candidate, it is hoped that some of Anies' supporters will switch to the Kaaba party.

"On the contrary, Anies, who is not a party cadre, needs support from PPP and other parties for his candidacy in the 2024 presidential election. Without party support, his high electability does not mean anything," said Jamiluddin.

Therefore, he added, Anies will certainly try to be close to as many parties as possible so that his presidential candidacy can be realized. "PPP would have opened the door for that because it would benefit his party. So, Anies and PPP's closeness seems to be based on mutual need. Anies and PPP seem close and harmonious, and that is normal in political relations," said Jamiluddin. Previously, the DKI Jakarta United Development Party (PPP) admitted that they regretted having supported Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok to run in the 2017 Regional Head Election (Pilkada). The party symbolizing the Kaaba also stated that they had repented.

This was said by the Secretary of the DKI Jakarta PPP DPW Regional Secretary, Najmi Mumtaza Rabbany (Gus Najmi), during the 49th PPP anniversary (Harlah) and istighosah and prayers for Abraham Lunggana or Haji Lulung at the DKI Jakarta DPW PPP office, Duren Sawit , East Jakarta, last Sunday, January 30th.

Najmi said, because of his party's actions at that time, many ulama's hearts were hurt. He said he didn't want a similar incident to happen again.

"This is also in order to apologize (repent) to the people for the dynamics of the 2017 DKI Jakarta Pilkada, which at that time was felt to have hurt the feelings of the ulama and the people, especially the residents of DKI Jakarta," said Najmi in a written statement, Tuesday, February 1.