Positive Cases Of COVID-19 In East Kalimantan Increase By 106 People

SAMARINDA - COVID-19 cases in East Kalimantan have increased with the addition of 106 people who have been confirmed positive for the corona virus. While the recovered cases experienced an additional 65 people.

The spokesman for the East Kalimantan Province COVID-19 Task Force, Andi Muhammad Ishak, said that Balikpapan was still dominated by 50 additional positive cases.

Followed by Bontang 32 people, Samarinda 12 people, Kutai Kartanegara 6 people, Berau 6 people, East Kutai 5 people, North Penajam Paser 2 people, Paser 1 person and West Kutai 1 person.

"Additional recovered cases have occurred in Samarinda, 30 people, Paser 16, Balikpapan 5, Bontang 5, Penajam Paser Utara 4, Berau 3 and Kutai Kartanegara 2," said Andi Muhammad Ishak, quoted by Antara, Monday, February 7.

According to Andi, five East Kalimantan regions, namely Balikpapan, East Kutai, Kutai Kartanegara, Bontang and Samarinda are still in the COVID-19 red zone status.

Meanwhile, five other regions, namely Paser, North Penajam Paser, West Kutai and Berau, are in the yellow zone status.

"The only East Kalimantan region that still survives in the green zone or zero cases of COVID-19 is Mahakam Ulu," Andi added.

Andi confirmed that currently there are 804 COVID-19 patients who are still undergoing treatment in the East Kalimantan region.

"Cumulatively the number of positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 in East Kalimantan is 159,494 cases, 153,233 cases have been declared cured, and 5,457 cases have died," said Andi.

Andi reminded that the development of COVID-19 cases in East Kalimantan continued to experience spikes, so that people were asked to be more orderly in carrying out health protocols, especially the use of masks and avoiding crowds.

"We also urge the public to postpone plans to leave the area first, until the development of COVID-19 slows down again," said Andi.