Arguing Over Inheritance, A Man In Jember Stabs 2 Relatives Until They Are Seriously Injured

JEMBER - The man with the initials DT (26) Sukorambi, Jember, East Java, was detained by the police. The perpetrator was arrested for slashing two of his relatives, because he was hurt after being cursed at about inheritance matters.

As a result, the victims, namely Sniwi and Syamsuddin, were seriously injured. Both are currently undergoing intensive treatment at the hospital.

Head of Public Relations of the Jember Police, Iptu Brisan Immanula, said the stabbing took place at the victim's house in Sukorambi Jember on Saturday 5 February. The dispute was triggered by inheritance.

"At that time, the perpetrator came to the victim's house asking that the house he lived in be vacated immediately. Because the perpetrator claimed that the house was his inheritance. When he was about to leave, the perpetrator heard a swearing tone that seemed challenging," said Iptu Brisan, Monday, February 7.

The perpetrator who heard the curse, continued Brisan, did not accept it and took the sickle that was on the seat of his motorbike.

"Then the perpetrator swung the sickle at the victim Sniwi. Syamsudin, whose house is not far from the TKP (the crime scene) came, intending to intervene, but instead he was also hacked," he said.

Residents at that time immediately helped the victim and reported the incident to the Sukorambi Police. The police arrived at the scene and arrested the perpetrator and the sickle as evidence.

"The perpetrator himself has now been secured at the Sukorambi Police Headquarters, and is undergoing further investigation," he concluded.