PTPP Builds Access To Kertajati Airport Toll Road

JAKARTA - The construction and investment BUMN, PT PP (Persero) Tbk (PTPP) carried out a groundbreaking ceremony process for the construction of the Kertajati West Java International Airport (BIJB) Access Toll Road project which was held on Monday, September 7.

The groundbreaking ceremony was also attended by the Minister of PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono, Majalengka Regent Karna Sobahi, President Director of PT Astra Infra Djap Tet FA, President Director of the Company Novel Arsyad, Director of Operations II of the Company M. Toha Fauzi, SVP of Infrastructure Division 1 Bandung Sasmitoharjo, and SVP Corporate Secretary Yuyus Juarsa.

The groundbreaking ceremony was held by strictly implementing the COVID-19 health protocol. The project for the construction of the Kertajati BIJB Access Toll Road, located in Kertajati District, Majalengka Regency, West Java Province, is targeted to start operating in November 2021.

The project, which is owned by PT Astra Infra, is carried out with a project implementation period of 12 months and a project maintenance period of 720 calendar days after the handover note. Armed with the experience and quality of work produced in working on various projects, PTPP is trusted by PT Astra Infra to work on Package 1 Mainroad.

The scope of work carried out by PTPP includes: earthwork & main road, overbridge (bridge) work, box culvert work, traffic box work, ramp 6 work, ramp 7 work, and others.

The construction of the main road works carried out by PTPP consists of two lanes with four lanes with a length of 1.85 kilometers, while the two ramps each consist of one lane with two lanes with a length of 0.3 kilometers.

The BIJB Kertajati Access Toll Road Project is an addition to the scope of the Cipali Toll Road which is expected to connect Bandung City and its surroundings via the Cisumdawu Toll Road to West Java International Airport in Kertajati. With this project development, it is hoped that it can simplify and speed up access. In addition, this development is expected to increase the number of passengers and the surrounding economy.

President Director of PTPP, Novel Arsyad, said that his party is optimistic that it can complete the construction of the BIJB Kertajati Toll Road project on time. With a project implementation period of 12 months, PTPP is confident that it can complete the project of the highest quality.

"PTPP also hopes that the construction of the BIJB Kertajati Access Toll Road project can improve the economy in the area. In addition, the construction of this project can facilitate and accelerate access around Kertajati Airport," said Novel Arsyad.