Finally, The AGO Invited The KPK To Expose The Pinangki Case

JAKARTA - Director of Investigation at the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes, Febrie Adriansyah, visited the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) building, Monday, September 7.

To the media crew, Febrie said that his arrival was to give an invitation to the KPK to participate in the expose or title of the case of Attorney Pinangki Sirna Malasari.

"We have already conveyed that the point is an invitation for friends at the KPK to attend P (Pinangki Sirna Malasari)," said Febrie at the KPK Building, Jakarta, Monday, September 7.

However, he said, the involvement of the KPK was only limited to exposure, not involved in handling the Pinangki case. The Pinangki case was related to two bribes for fatwa processing so that Djoko Tjandra would not be executed. The Bank Bali case was still being handled by his party.

"We just expose it. We explain," he said.

Apart from the KPK, he said, the expose which will be held at the Attorney General's Office Building on Tuesday, September 8 will also be attended by Bareskrim and the Ministry of Political, Legal and Security Affairs. The ministry led by Mahfud MD.

"(We invite) Polhukam, Bareskrim, and KPK," he said.

Previously, the KPK leadership had ordered the KPK Deputy for Enforcement to issue a warrant for supervision of case handling by the AGO and the Police regarding the suspect Djoko Soegiarto Tjandra (DST) and his friends.

"The KPK will invite the two APH (law enforcement officers) to conduct their case titles in the near future," said KPK Deputy Chairman Alexander Marwata during a press conference at the KPK building, Jakarta, Friday, September 4.

The KPK, Alex continued, will see the progress of the handling of the case and then take a takeover position if it meets the requirements for reasons as stipulated in Article 10A of Law Number 19 of 2019 concerning the KPK.

In handling this case, previously several parties urged that this case be handled by the KPK. However, the AGO remains independent in handling this case itself.