Know Who Andika Perkasa Is

JAKARTA - General TNI Andika Perkasa, SE, MA, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. is a high-ranking officer who has served as the Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Armed Forces (KASAD) since November 22, 2018. His figure replaces TNI General Mulyono who will enter retirement in 2019. Previously, he held the post of Pangkostrad from July 13 2018 until the November inauguration. Andika Perkasa spent 13 years at the beginning of his career in the Kopassus unit from 1987 to 2000.

Andika Perkasa is the son-in-law of former Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) AM Hendropriyono. This general, who has 5 academic titles, has been recorded as having held various important positions, starting from the Head of the Defense and Defense Strategy Study Section at the Ministry of Defense in 2000, to the Indonesian Army Headquarters in 2013.

Recapitulation of the military career journey of General TNI Andika Perkasa so far:

He started his career as the first infantry officer in Kopassus Group 2 / Para Komando and Unit-81 / Penanggulangan Teror (Gultor) for 12 years. After assignments at the Ministry of Defense and TNI AD Headquarters, he returned to serve in the ranks of the Red Beret Corps as Battalion Commander 32 / Apta Sandhi Prayuda Utama, Group 3 / Sandhi Yudha. Two days after Jokowi was elected for the first time as president of the Republic of Indonesia in 2014, Andika Perkasa's name was immediately entrusted to lead the Presidential Security Force Commander (Danpaspamres), which was followed by an promotion to Major General on 22 October 2014 during his inauguration. Early in 2018 he was appointed as Commander of the Command for Doctrine, Education and Training (Dankodiklat) TNI AD. Six months later in the same year he was appointed Pangkostrad. On 22 October 2014, Andika was promoted to Major General when he was assigned as Commander of President Joko Widodo's Presidential Security Forces (Paspampres) in 2014. Two years later he was assigned to Tanjungpura, West Kalimantan to serve as Commander of the Regional Military Command (Pangdam ) XII with the rank of Lieutenant General. Andika is the winner of Bintang Kartika Eka Paksi Narary and Bintang Yudha Dharma Pratama awards. The first award is a token of honor by the TNI AD to corps members who have shown extraordinary abilities, wisdom, and services beyond the call of duty without prejudice to their main duties. While the second award, Bintang Yudha Dharma Pratama is a token of honor issued by the armed forces, namely the National Police and the TNI jointly.


Who is Andika Perkasa

Andika Perkasa was born in Bandung on December 21, 1964. He is married to Diah Erwany, the first child of General AM Hendropriyono. Andika Perkasa graduated from the Military Academy in 1987. Then he joined the Kopassus unit, as the first infantry officer for Kopassus Group 2 / Para Komando and Satuan-81 / Penanggulangan Teror (Gultor).

After earning a bachelor's degree in Economics, he received various education abroad. He passed several educational institutions with various degrees of achievement, including:

The Military College of Vermont, Norwich University, Northfield, Vermont, United States. National War College, National Defense University, Washington DC, United States. Harvard University, Massachusetts, United States. The Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration, The George Washington University, Washington DC, United States.

After assignments at the Ministry of Defense and TNI AD Headquarters, he returned to serve in the ranks of the Red Beret Corps as Battalion Commander 32 / Apta Sandhi Prayuda Utama, Group 3 / Sandhi Yudha. This Sagittarius man made another achievement when he was studying at SESKOAD by becoming the best graduate of Susreg XXXVII.

Andika Perkasa is a TNI general who has earned 5 academic degrees, including 2 undergraduate degrees with MA, M.Sc., M.Phil., And is equipped with a Ph.d degree as a sign of success in the Strata-3 program.

When as a middle ranking officer of the Indonesian Army, Andika Perkasa served his duties at the rank of Colonel (Inf.) Sespri Chief of General Staff (Kasum) TNI, Commander of the Main Regiment (Danrindam) Kodam Jaya / Jayakarta in Jakarta, and Commander of Military Resort (Danrem) 023 / Kawal Samudera Kodam I / Bukit Barisan is domiciled in Sibolga City, North Sumatra Province.

Entering the promotion phase for high-ranking officer (pati), he rose to become a Brigadier General of the TNI -AD through Decree of the TNI Commander No. Kep / 871 / XI / 2013 dated 8 November 2013, with the position of Head of the Indonesian Army Information Service (Kadispenad).

This Sagittarius man made another achievement when he was studying at SESKOAD by becoming the best graduate of Susreg XXXVII. Two days after presidents Jokowi and Jusuf Kalla were elected in 2014, Andika was plotted to replace Doni Monardo as Commander of the Presidential Security Forces (Danpaspampres). Two years on, he was again assigned to West Kalimantan in Tanjungpura.

Erick Thohir finally trusted the name Andika Perkasa as the Deputy Chairperson of the Committee to Head the Executive Committee for Handling Covid-19 and National Economic Recovery. Erick, who is the chairman, needs Andika's figure to help coordinate the practice of community compliance and discipline in implementing health protocols in a more intense, broad and massive manner.


Andika Perkasa's actions

His warm character resembles the previous KASAD, General TNI Mulyono. Smiling and looking warm but full of assertiveness in leading. His physical fitness, which does not look like that of a man at his age, is the result of his liking. Do not hesitate to dare to act even though in the eyes of civilians it becomes a polemic.

How did his decision dare to impose sanctions in the form of dismissal and light detention of two members of the Indonesian Army in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi. The two members, who were Colonel and Sergeant, were fired due to social media posts by their two wives which alluded to the tragedy of Wiranto's stabbing.

Andika also did not hesitate to state that he was willing to lose 31 soldiers due to the attack on the Ciracas Police, East Jakarta on the early hours of Saturday, August 29, 2020. The attack was carried out by TNI personnel due to distorted information, making him angry and apologizing for the incident that could lead to discomfort in the relationship between the TNI. and the Police.

He felt that it was better to sacrifice the 31 soldiers than to destroy the name of the TNI AD in the eyes of the public.

"It is better if we lose 31 or any soldiers involved, regardless of their role. Instead of the name of the TNI AD, it will continue to be damaged by irresponsible behavior which does not at all reflect the soldiers' oath that they uttered," TNI General Andika Perkasa.

When the TNI AD was in chaos due to the issue of exposure to radicalism through an Enzo, Andika tried to carry out the written rules and maintain the figure of a mixed Indonesian youth. He agreed with his apology and kept Enzo along with 364 other cadets.

Even though he is often associated with the name AM Hendropriyono, the father-in-law, Andika feels this is normal. However, what is reflected in his various kinds of brilliance in the world of education and military career, inevitably also requires quality and integrity that cannot be achieved only with the name of the father-in-law.

The popularity of the name of General TNI Andika Perkasa, who is predicted as a potential candidate to replace Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto when he retires as TNI Commander, is not without reason. Apart from career achievements, age is also the second biggest opportunity. Although traditionally the TNI dimension, it is the Navy who gets the seat of TNI Commander, this possibility looks small because the two high ranking Navy officers who are currently serving as KASAL and WAKASAL will retire in 2021.

It is known that the age of Admiral TNI Siwi Sukma Aji and Laksamana Sukito as Deputy KASAL will be over 58 years old when they arrive in 2021. So according to the rules of Law Number 34 of 2004 concerning the TNI, which states that the service period of a high-ranking TNI officer is up to the age of 58 years, the name Andika Perkasa is one that has the potential to go to the TNI Commander seat. However, all of that returns to the prerogative decision of President Jokowi as the final decision maker.

2018 was a friendly year for Andika Perkasa, he was noted to have successfully experienced three promotions in his military career.


Andika Perkasa interesting facts

KASAD 8 which previously served as PANGKOSTRAD. The name Andika Perkasa became one of the 8 high-ranking officers who served the position of PANGKOSTRAD and then smoothly rose to become a KASAD. His notches joined together with the big names of his seniors such as: Ryamizad Ryacudu, Pramono Edhie Wibowo, Mulyono, Rudini, George Toisutta, Gatot Nurmantyo, and Soeharto.

The 5th General who married the previous General's daughter. He also completed the four other generals who ended up marrying the daughters of the previous generals. Andika married AM Hendropriyono's first child, where his father-in-law was a general who was an expert in the world of Indonesian intelligence. Apart from Andika, there are names like Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Agum Gumelar, Prabowo Subianto, and Ryamizad Ryacudu.

The wife's 22 million masks. The uniqueness of the mask worn by his wife, Diah Erwany, when exercising and at the tele conference at the Army Hospital, actually provoked the public's curiosity. It is known how the mask, which is unusual in the eyes of the public, actually costs 22 million rupiah.


Andika Perkasa Profile

Full name General TNI Andika Perkasa SE, MA, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Mighty Call

The military profession is active

Place and date of birth Bandung, December 21, 1964


SpouseDiah Erwany

AnakWiratama Akbar Perkasa



The Military College of Vermont, Norwich University (Northfield, Vermont, USA) National War College, National Defense University (Washington DC, USA) Harvard University (Massachusetts, USA) The Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration, The George Washington University ( Washington DC, USA) Seskoad (2000) AKABRI (1987)


Career path

TNI-AD Chief of Staff, KASAD (2018-present) Pangkostrad TNI-AD (2018) andpaspamres (2014) Kadispenad (2013) Danrem 023 / Kawal Samudera (2012) Danrindam Jaya (2011) Sespri Kasum TNIPaban-IV Fasdik Kodiklatad (2008) Pabandya A-33 DIR A BAIS TNI (2002) KASI INTEL KOREM 051 / WKT DAM JAYA (2002) Danyon 32 Group 3 Kopassus (2002) Pamen Mabes AD (2001) Kasi Sun Sub Ditlak Jaklak Dephan (2001) Kasi Jiantra Defense and Defense Ministry of Defense ( 2000) Pamen Kopassus (1999) Pama Kopassus (1998) Danden 621 Yon 12 Group 2 Kopassus (1997) And Team 3 Sat Gultro 81 Kopassus (1995) And Sub Team 2 Sat Gultor 81 Kopassus (1991) And Unit 3 Group 2 Kopassus Danton Group 2 Kopassus (1987)


Award / service mark

Bintang Dharma (2018) Bintang Kartika Eka Paksi (2019) Bintang Jalasena Utama (2019) Bintang Swa Bhuwana Paksa Utama (2019) Bintang Bhayangkara Utama (2019) Bintang Yudha Dharma Nararya Bintang Kartika Eka Paksi NararyaSL. Dharma BantalaSL. Loyalty XXIVSL. XVISL Fidelity. Loyalty VIIISL. GOM VIISL. Dharma NusaSL. Wira DharmaSL. Wira SiagaSL. SerojaSL. Dwidya SisthaSL. Wira Karya
