Entering The Month Full Of Grace, Know The Priorities And Intentions Of Rajab Fasting 2022

JAKARTA - The month of Rajab is one of the most awaited months by Muslims. In this special month, Muslims are encouraged to increase worship to Allah SWT such as prayer, fasting, blessings, and increase istighfar. Not only that, this month all deeds will be doubled. Good deeds will be doubled in reward, even with sin, their reward will be doubled.

Melansir from NU Online, Monday, February 7, Rasulullah SAW also conveyed that the month of Rajab is the month of Allah SWT, while the month of Sya'ban is the month of Rasulullah, while the month of Ramadhan is the month of the people of Muhammad. Rasulullah also confirmed that every Muslim who fasts one day in the month of Rajab purely for the sake of Allah, will always get the pleasure of Allah and is promised to obtain His paradise.

If You intend to add practice in the month of Rajab through fasting, here is an easy -to -memorize reading of Rajab’s fasting intentions.


Meaning: I intend to fast the sunnah of Rajab tomorrow because of Allah Almighty.

If later in the night you forget to recite the Rajab fasting intention, you can recite it on Tuesday morning before noon arrives, that is


Meaning: I intend to fast the sunnah of Rajab today because of Allah Almighty.

Keep in mind, there are many benefits you can get if you fast Rajab, such as;

Sins are forgiven

The virtue of fasting in the month of Rajab is that his sins are forgiven by Allah SWT. God is all -forgiving, but the forgiveness of sins in the month of Rajab is more mustajab. As has been conveyed in one of the hadiths, namely:

Prophet Muhammad SAW said: The month of Rajab is the month of asking for forgiveness for my people, so let them multiply istighfar in it. Namely: Astaghfirullaha Wa Atuubu Ilaihi (I beg God's forgiveness and repent to Him).

The bridge to heaven

Every Muslim who performs the Rajab fast will get glory in the sight of Allah SWT. This is as mentioned in one of the hadiths, which means:

Anas bin Malik, he said that the Prophet SAW said: Indeed in Paradise there is a river called Rajab, its color is whiter than milk, it tastes sweeter than honey. Whoever fasts a day in the month of Rajab, then he will be given a drink by Allah from the river. (HR. Bukhori and Muslim).

A good time to pray

Another priority in fasting Rajab is that his prayers are easily granted by Allah SWT. In this month full of grace, it is highly recommended for Muslims to increase remembrance and prayers in a glorious time so that the prayers offered are more easily granted by Allah, if what you want is indeed your destiny and the will of Allah.

Rasulullah was once asked, Fasting in what month is better than the month of Ramadan? He replied: Fast in the month of Allah, which is the month of the deaf. In another history it is said that the moon was abundant.