Jasa Raharja Provides Compensation And Guarantees Treatment Costs For Bus Accident Victims In Bantul

JAKARTA - Jasa Raharja President Director Rivan A. Purwantono guarantees the cost of treating victims of a bus accident from Solo that was traveling from Dlingo to Imogiri and had an accident on Jl Mangunan Imogiri, Bantul, DI Yogyakarta. namely Nur Hidayah Hospital Bantul, PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul Hospital and Panembahan Senopati Hospital Bantul so that victims do not have to worry about all the costs of treatment because it will be borne by Jasa Raharja," said Rivan in a statement received in Jakarta, Monday, February 7. On Sunday 6 February, 13 passengers have died and the rest have been injured. Based on information received by Jasa Raharja, the bus was carrying around 40 passengers. “We are deeply sorry for the accident that occurred in Imogiri Bantul. Currently Jasa Raharja officers together with the local Satlantas Polres immediately went to the crime scene and recorded the identity of the victim," he said. Jasa Raharja officers in Sukoharjo, Central Java, said Rivan, are currently on standby to verify the heirs of the deceased victim.

"We hope that the compensation can be submitted within 1x24 hours of the incident," said the President Director of Jasa Raharja. provide accident compensation to every person who dies/permanent disability and reimbursement of treatment costs due to accidents caused by the use of public transportation. The compensation comes from the Mandatory General Motorized Vehicle Contribution (IWKBU) which is paid by passengers at the same time as paying the transportation fee/ticket. Later, he said, the heirs of the deceased victims will receive compensation of Rp. borne by Jasa Raharja up to a maximum of Rp. 20 million in accordance with the provisions of PMK No. 15 of 2017. “The public does not need to worry about the Jasa Raharja compensation service system which is now digitally integrated with the IRSMS (Integrated Road Safety Management System) of the Police, hospitals, the Directorate General of Civil and Civil Registration of the Ministry of Home Affairs so that the service process can still be carried out even on holidays, Rivan added. "Similarly with the banking sector, after complete data will be immediately submitted through the account transfer mechanism to the heirs of the accident victims to ensure that compensation is received in full and appropriately," said Rivan.