Don't Play Games, Governor Rusli Habibie Asks Every Visitor To Gorontalo To Bring The Original Swab Test

GORONTALO - Gorontalo Governor Rusli Habibie reminded every visitor arriving at airports or ports in the province not to use a fake antigen swab test letter.

"I and Forkopimda agreed to track down the user of the fake antigen swab test letter. For example, I came to Gorontalo with a negative test result, but when I got here it turned out to be positive. Well... I want to find out who issued the letter when I left. so it was issued by an irresponsible person," he said in Gorontalo, Antara, Sunday, February 6.

The warning, he said, was issued because there were a number of passengers whose antigen test results from the area of origin were negative, but when they arrived in Gorontalo the results were positive.

He assessed that the antigen swab test policy for arrivals at the airport and port that had been carried out so far in Gorontalo was effective in preventing the transmission of COVID-19 in the area.

So far, he said, there were 12 travelers who were tested positive for antigen swab at Djalaluddin Airport, then followed up with a PCR swab test, which was also positive.

"That's why I urge all communities to cooperate with the test, not to be forced. What we have done so far is for us and our families. People who come through the airport go home to meet their families. If he is positive for COVID-19, it's a pity for his family," he said.

He stated that currently the COVID-19 Task Force has imposed a centralized quarantine for travelers arriving in Gorontalo. Residents whose antigen swab test results are positive, will undergo quarantine centered at the Eljie Hotel, Gorontalo City while waiting for the results of the PCR swab test to come out.

If the PCR results remain positive, the quarantine will continue until the specified time limit, said Rusli Habibie.