Forget Coal, These Two PLN Innovations Successfully Win International Awards

JAKARTA - PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) is said to have successfully won international awards through two innovations. The first is the PMCB (Pole Mounted Circuit Breaker) at the Kaohsiung Invention and Design Expo (KIDE) 2-4 December 2021 in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

And the second is Avator (Automatic Vibration Monitor Calibrator) at the Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition (ITEX) on December 13-14 2021 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

PLN Corporate Communications Vice President Agung Murdifi said the appreciation received showed that the company has advanced technology to provide reliable electricity and excellent service for customers.

"The success of PMCB and Avator in winning international awards shows that the innovations of PLN's people have been recognized by the world," he said in an official statement on the Ministry of SOEs website, quoted on Sunday, February 6.

According to Agung, the pinned achievement confirms PLN as a leader in the power generation industry which is not only reliable in producing electricity but also has highly innovative human resources.

"Both PMCB and Avator are predicted to be capable innovation works both on paper and in the field, especially in the power generation industry," he said.

For information, Avator is the fruit of innovation from three employees of PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali (PJB), namely Robbi Auzikni Anaskur, Apolinius Adhi, and Alfian Budiarmoko in the Technical Supporting field.

Unlike other monitoring calibrators, this Avator is made automatically by integrating measuring instruments and calibrator functions in one piece of equipment, making it more practical but more accurate.

Meanwhile, PMCB is an innovation in the distribution sector from the East Java unit led by Juli Sasmiharto, which has now been mass-produced as many as 318 units with a value equivalent to Rp. 60 billion.

"Hopefully this award can spur every employee of the company to be creative and spawn their creative ideas," concluded Agung.