His Bicycle Bumps While Riding, Ganjar Pranowo Falls And Needs Surgery

JAKARTA - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo is undergoing medical treatment at the Central General Hospital dr. Kariadi, Semarang City, due to a fall while cycling on Sunday (6/2) morning.

"Currently, doctors are still being treated because of an injury to his hand and surgery is needed. We pray that his health will return to normal as soon as possible," said Central Java Provincial Government Head of Public Relations and Protocol Agung Kristiyanto when confirmed, Sunday, February 6.

He said Governor Ganjar fell from his bicycle when he wanted to monitor the condition of places that had the potential for crowds and would also serve as a shelter for traders at the Johar Market for relocation that caught fire.

"You fell while riding your bicycle to check the anticipation of Omicron. You used to ride to meet the community and actually wanted to go to locations that have the potential to become crowd centers, because this is a holiday usually for tourism, including the route you want to visit again to the relocation of Pasar Johar yesterday. fire," Agung explained, quoted from Antara.

According to him, Governor Ganjar fell in the Kokrosono area because his bicycle collided with a fellow cyclist.

So far, Ganjar Pranowo is known to have a hobby of cycling, and often monitors the condition of infrastructure and directly checks the condition of the community by cycling.