Corruption Case Of Army Housing Compulsory Savings Delegated To Court

JAKARTA - The Deputy Attorney General for Military Crimes (Jampidmil) of the Attorney General's Office has transferred the case files of the two suspects along with evidence of a corruption case against the Army Housing Compulsory Savings Fund (TWP AD) to the Jakarta High Military Court II.

"Submission of case files and two suspects as well as evidence on Friday (4/2)," said the Head of the Attorney General's Office for Legal Information, Leonard Eben Ezer Simanjuntak in a written statement quoted by Antara, Saturday, February 5.

The two suspects in this case are Brigadier General TNI YAK as Finance Director of TWP AD since March 2019, and the suspect NPP as President Director of PT Griya Sari Harta (GSH).

The appointment of the Jakarta II High Military Court as the party to examine and adjudicate the corruption case against the TWP AD funds in 2019-2020 based on the decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number 45/KMA/SK/II/2022 dated February 3, 2022.

"Furthermore, the two case files and the indictment of the suspects were immediately transferred to the Jakarta High Military Court II," said Leonard.

Based on the stipulation of the Chief Military Judges of the Jakarta High Military Court II Number: TAPHAN/01/K-AD/PMT-II/I/2022 dated February 4, 2022, the status of the two suspects became defendants.

Furthermore, the Chief Justice of the Jakarta High Military Court II ordered the High Military Prosecutor at the High Military Court II Jakarta to carry out a detention order for the two defendants for 30 days starting from February 4 to March 5, 2022.

"The defendant Brigadier General TNI YAK is being held at the Puspomad Military Detention Center, while the defendant NPP is being held at the Salemba State Detention Center (Rutan) of the Attorney General's Office Branch," he said.

This case began with the placement of TWP funds that were not in accordance with the provisions and investments outside the provisions of TWP management based on the Decree of the Army Chief of Staff Number Kep/181/III/2018 dated March 12 2018, or for personal interests and business cooperation, namely NPP as Director Utama PT Griya Sari Harta (PT GSH), initials A as Director of PT Indah Bumi Utama and Colonel CZI Retired. CW and KGS MMS from PT Artha Mulia Adiniaga.

The domain of TWP funds that was misused by the defendant, including the domain of state finances, could become a state financial loss.

There is also a source of TWP funds from soldiers' salaries which are deducted by an auto-debit system directly from soldiers' salaries before being handed over so that the state must be burdened with the obligation to return the money that has been misused to the soldiers.

As a result of the actions of the defendant Brigadier General TNI YAK and the defendant NPP, it has resulted in state financial losses cq TWP AD of Rp. 133.76 billion based on the Report on the Calculation of State Financial Losses from BPKP RI on December 28, 2021.

The actions of the defendants were accused of violating the provisions stipulated and subject to criminal sanctions: First, primary Article 2 paragraph (1) subsidiary to Article 3, or secondly Article 8 in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 2001 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code.

The Connectivity Prosecutor Team (prosecutors and prosecutors) at the Junior Attorney General for Military Crimes will then wait for the schedule of the trial day (trial plan) related to the trial of the alleged corruption case of the Army Housing Compulsory Savings Fund (TWP AD) in 2019 to 2020 .