Ministry Of Religion: Cannot Hide Domestic Violence On The Pretext Of Wife's Nobility

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) emphasizes that families cannot hide cases of domestic violence (KDRT) using the pretext of the nobility of a wife.

"All forms of domestic violence cannot be justified, let alone hidden under the pretext of the nobility of the wife. The attitude of the Ministry of Religion is firm and does not bargain on this issue," said the Special Staff of the Minister of Religion for Ukhuwah Islamiyah, Relations with Social and Religious Organizations, and Religious Moderation Isfah Abidal Aziz in The Ministry of Religion's written statement was quoted by Antara, Saturday, February 5.

Isfah emphasized that the relationship that is built by a man and a woman must be woven in the spirit of justice and mutual respect.

If there is an act of domestic violence, he asks the family to use a comprehensive approach that covers various aspects of life and involves all parties.

"Overcoming the problem of domestic violence, not only curative efforts, but also preventive efforts," he said.

In order to implement a comprehensive approach, Isfah said that from a legal perspective, based on Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning the elimination of domestic violence, the issue of violence must be socialized through serious efforts to all levels of society.

On the other hand, there must be a consistent enforcement of the law. Therefore, the role of the state in creating a sensitivity to all law enforcement officers is very necessary.

Meanwhile, in the aspect of community collective awareness, an effort is needed that can make people aware of equality and justice in the relationship between men and women. Various sections of society must be collectively involved.

In that case, both religious leaders, intellectuals, activists, political figures, community leaders to educational institutions can be one of the right tools for public awareness.

"Third, aspects of the facilities and infrastructure for victim protection. This can be done by establishing centers for handling domestic violence victims, medical personnel, counselors, psychiatrists, clergy and so on that have high sensitivity," said Isfah.