Tangerang Regency Government Reactivates Isolated Houses In Each District

TANGERANG - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of Tangerang, Banten will reactivate centralized isolation houses in each sub-district in the area so that they can treat patients who are confirmed positive for COVID-19.

"According to the instructions of the regent and secretary of the district, sub-districts that already have a centralized isolation area in their area will be reactivated," said Head of the Health Service Division (Kabid) of the Tangerang District Health Office, Faridz, as quoted by Antara, Saturday, February 5.

He said that in preparing it, his party had coordinated with the sub-district heads to open the isolation house.

"We have confirmed to the Legok and Cisauk sub-districts to reactivate the isolation place or isolation house in their area," he said.

He mentioned that for the time being, out of 29 sub-districts in Tangerang Regency, only two sub-districts are ready to reactivate the centralized isolation house.

"The ones that are ready are only in Legok and Cisauk, we will see the rest of the cases first. Because currently the epicenters of COVID-19 cases are mostly in the southern region," he said.

The re-activation of isolation houses in the sub-district is an anticipatory step for the Tangerang Regency Government in dealing with the third wave of the spread of the corona virus.

"Currently, the development of active COVID-19 cases in this region is experiencing an increasing trend, even reaching 600 cases," he said.

Of the 600 active cases, said Faridz, about 250 people are undergoing isolation, while about 300 people are undergoing independent isolation at their respective homes and the rest are undergoing treatment at a referral hospital.

"So, Tangerang Regency is in need of isolation. We still have enough for medicine and oxygen," he said.