Pursuing Oil Lifting Target, SKK Migas Together With PHR And Pertagas Operate The Rokan Oil Pipeline

JAKARTA - The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) together with KKKS Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) and Pertagas carried out the initial distribution of Duri Crude Oil (DCO) from CGS-10 Duri with a new distribution pipe measuring 20 " get to Dumai Station with a distance of 63.5 Km.

Head of Program and Communication Division of SKK Migas A Rinto Pudyantoro explained that this was done to pursue the national oil and gas lifting target this year.

"The Rokan New Pipeline which was built and operated by Pertagas is one of the facilities that is expected to help PHR distribute oil from the Rokan WK and also other WKs in the vicinity to the final terminal in Dumai for lifting," he said in a written statement, Saturday, February 5th.

Pertagas as the operator has ensured that the Rokan Oil Pipeline Project works for both the north and south sections.

Partial Switching from CGS 10 has been carried out on 27-31 January 2022 and it is hoped that other pipeline segments can be carried out soon so that stock in the old pipeline can be drained and lifted to support the achievement of the national lifting target in 2022 of 703 Mbopd.

"On January 31, the pumped DCO had arrived at Dumai Metering Station," he said.

He continued, PHR as an operator in the upstream sector of the Rokan WK can focus more on programs to increase production and oil lifting from the Rokan WK so that the lifting target according to the APBN and the long-term target of 1 million barrels per day in 2030 can be achieved.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Sumbagut Representative Office, Rikky Rahmat Firdaus, added that the Rokan Block currently contributes 24 percent to national production and is expected to remain Indonesia's mainstay work area.

"We are targeting, in the third quarter of 2022, WK Rokan is estimated to be able to return to being the number one oil producer in Indonesia," explained Rikky.

At the end of his statement, Rikky hopes that with the new pipeline there will be no leakage in the pipeline and congeal crude oil, no more losses in distribution, thereby increasing the level of flow assurance and maintaining the quality of the oil supplied according to specifications.

On the same occasion, the President Director of PT Peramina Hulu Rokan (PHR), Jaffee A Suardin said, PHR is committed and has a target of drilling 502 wells in 2022, for that it needs help and support from partners, collaboration to realize common goals.

"The synergy between SKK Migas and KKKS is expected to continue, so that oil and gas operations and targets are safe and smooth," said Jaffee.

President Director of PT Pertagas, Wiko Migantoro said, Pertagas as a mid-stream in the oil and gas sector supports the program to increase production in the upstream upstream oil and gas sector. Starting with the transfer of management of the Rokan Block, Pertagas and PT Rukun Raharja Tbk conducted an Operational Cooperation (KSO) to complete the construction of an oil pipeline in the Rokan Block CGS-10 segment to Dumai Station.

"This is a very important moment, the first distribution is expected to be a benchmark for projects being carried out in the future," said Wiko.