After being criticized by Ridwan Kamil, Cipularang and Padaleunyi toll rates did not go up

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has decided to postpone the tariff adjustment for the Cikampek-Purwakarta-Padalarang (Cipularang) toll road along 56.1 kilometers (km) and the Padalarang-Cileunyi (Padaleunyi) toll road along 35.15 km. Boh of which is under the management of PT Jasa Marga as the Toll Road Business Entity (BUJT).

In a written statement from the PUPR Ministry, this tariff delay will take effect from Monday, September 7, 2020, at 00.00 WIB. The postponement is based on the socio-economic conditions during the pandemic.

Head of the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT), Danang Parikesit, emphasized that the BUJT should continue to improve toll road services according to Minimum Service Standards (SPM). It has to meet the high public needs and expectations for the highway service quality.

The postponement of toll tariff adjustment applies to all categories on the Cipularang and Padaleunyi toll roads. With this delay, toll users for all groups will pay the toll for the farthest distance according to the original tariff.

Thus, the farthest distance tariff for the Cipularang toll road segment is as follows:. Class I IDR 39,500, Class II IDR 59,500, Class III IDR 79,500, Class IV IDR 99,500, Class V IDR 119,000.

Meanwhile, for the Padaleunyi toll road segment, the farthest distance fare is as follows.: Class I IDR 9,000, Class II IDR 15,000, Class III IDR 17,500, Class IV IDR 21,500, Class V IDR 26,000.

Previously, the tariff adjustment was implemented by PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk as BUJT for the two toll roads regarding the Decree of the Minister of PUPR No.  1128 / KPTS / M / 2020 dated 1 July 2020 concerning Toll Tariff Adjustments on the Cikampek-Purwakarta-Padalarang Toll Road and Decree of the Minister of PUPR No.  1116 / KPTS / M / 2020 dated 26 June 2020 concerning Toll Tariff Adjustments on the Padalarang-Cileunyi Toll Road Section.

West Java Governor, M. Ridwan Kamil, also criticized PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk's move to impose tariff adjustments for the Cipularang and Padaleunyi toll roads via his Instagram account @ridwankamil.

"Dear PT JASA MARGA @ official.jasamarga Increasing toll rates in a difficult economic situation during this pandemic is not a wise decision. The economy, which has the potential for a recession, will only be exacerbated by this corporate policy. Because its derivative economic sub-sectors will also increase," said Ridwan Kamil or Kang Emil.

Ridwan Kamil said that while other SOEs were competing to reduce, make free, subsidize, PT Jasa Marga, increased the burden of economic costs.

"Please postpone and review it until the economic situation improves, because that is part of defending your country," said Ridwan Kamil.