Before Getting Married, Should Women Ask The Virginity Of Their Prospective Husband?

JAKARTA - Questioning the virginity of a prospective wife before marriage seems legitimate for men. Virginity status is often used as a measure of the personality of women who will be married. A woman who manages to keep her virginity until she gets married is considered a good woman. Then, do women also have the right to ask about the virginity status of her future husband?

It could be that the question of the husband's virginity is considered a funny question. Because social learning theories are used to explain double standards. For example, young girls are punished or reproached if they have pre-marital sex by being considered cheap women or isolated from the community. This is different for men, those who are not virgins are considered popular, cool and worthy of admiration.

For that, ask yourself again regarding the intention to ask your prospective husband's virginity status. Is this important? Why are you curious about your partner's virginity? Is the goal to prevent contracting sexually transmitted diseases? Then, are you ready to hear your husband's answer? and are you ready to answer if asked back about the status of virginity?

(Ramtin Ak/Pexels)

Launching the Ready for Marriage page, Friday, February 4, as well as questioning virginity, prospective wives have the right to question their partner's virginity. Ask before marriage so you have time to rethink the continuation of your relationship and your readiness if your future husband answers that you are no longer a virgin.

In order for the conversation to be fun, build a comfortable atmosphere with your partner. Ask questions in a dialogue, not an interrogative way. From there, pay attention to how your partner answers. Is he offended? or instead can accept your curiosity with grace. If your partner is willing to be honest, then he or she is worth keeping. Remember, honesty and trust are the keys to a marriage commitment.

Indeed, not everyone can clearly question things related to virginity or virginity with a partner. If you're having trouble asking questions, try starting a chat about virginity. You can ask his views on virginity or be open about your own views first.

According to psychology, if a man is invited to discuss the topic of virginity, his virginity status will be clearly seen from the way he responds to the discussion.

If he looks very interested or he is eager to get a testimony on the topic being discussed, it indicates that he is still a virgin but on the other hand if he avoids or diverts the conversation from the topic being discussed, it is likely that he is no longer a virgin or he has problems with his virginity.

If the prospective husband is no longer a virgin, what should be done? it all comes back to you. Can you accept it? Do you see that your future husband regrets it and is committed to maintaining his honor after marriage?

Return to the purpose of marriage as a family goal. The main task of the family is to meet the physical, spiritual, and social needs of family members. It includes the care and maintenance of children, mentoring children's personality development, and meeting the emotional needs of family members.

So actually, virginity and virginity are only one small measure compared to the readiness of a partner as a prospective mother or good father. Marriage is not just about sexual relations. Although important, there are other factors that are more important to achieve family harmony, namely inner and outer comfort with a partner.