Influences Intelligence, NTT Commits To Reducing Stunting Rates

JAKARTA - Head of the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) Hasto Wardoyo received an audience from the Chair of the TP PKK NTT Province, Mrs. Julie Sutrisno Laiskodat.

The visit of the Chairperson of the TP PKK of NTT Province is in the context of accelerating the reduction of stunting in NTT. Julie admitted that currently the stunting rate in NTT Province is still very high and will affect the quality of human resources later.

"We know that stunting and malnutrition affect a person's intelligence. Thus, we PKK are more focused and committed to how to prevent stunting and malnutrition cases do not increase," said Julie in an official broadcast, Friday, January 4.

Because, he said, NTT with extraordinary resources requires good human resources. For this reason, the first step is to prevent stunting.

"I have a program that has been running for 3 years. PKK has also held 2 years in a row, it is a menu for breakfast together starting from the PAUD level, elementary school throughout the village. This model also extends to pregnant women, nursing mothers and toddlers. It lasts 2 years and that's good, nutrition and development to prevent new stunting," added Julie.

Meanwhile Hasto Wardoyo welcomed the commitment of the TP PKK NTT in the context of accelerating stunting reduction. "We really need PKK, with Presidential Decree number 72 of 2021 which I propose to the President that there must be a Family Assistance Team (TPK) to find a solution. , said Hasto.

"We have to fully cooperate with the PKK, now what we have prepared is the regulation, the Governor is the chief director. Then in the regulation, the Deputy Governor becomes the chief executive, but the full policy lies with the Governor. The PKK is one of the elements the chairman here, then the Head of the NTT Province BKKBN Representative I can make the team secretary," he said.

Hasto said that his party would mobilize all teams to accelerate stunting reduction in the province as well as regencies and cities. "I hope that NTT will have a special treatment, because we really have to take the conditions right so that national justice occurs there," he said.