Head Of DKI Regional Office Of The Ministry Of Law And Human Rights Claims All Inmates Sleep On Mats

JAKARTA - Head of the Regional Office (Kakanwil) of the DKI Jakarta Kemenkumham, Ibnu Chuldun, denied that any prison inmates (WBP) paid Rp. 30,000 to sleep on cardboard in the hallway of the Cipinang Correctional Institution (Lapas) block, Jakarta.

"This information is completely untrue because there are no more inmates sleeping on cardboard. All inmates sleep using mattresses," said Ibnu Chuldun when confirmed by VOI, Friday, February 4.

He further said that the mattress pads were given to the inmates to provide comfort while resting, and there was no charge at all.

"There is no charge for any sleeping mats because our officers have provided mattresses," said Ibnu.

Meanwhile, the Head of KPLP Class 1 Cipinang Sukarno Ali said that his party was always controlling and checking this.

According to Sukarno, recently there were 191 inmates who had long been transferred to block type 7 OT the hall which had been used for Block AO (Orientation Admission) to other residential blocks.

Prior to the placement in the hall, the officers had made repairs and provided facilities such as fans, mattresses and carpets as well as television.

"All of this is free of charge to all inmates," he said.