Seven ASN Exposed To COVID-19, Central Jakarta Immigration Office Not Lockdown

JAKARTA - Head of the Immigration Office Class I Non Immigration Checkpoints (TPI) Central Jakarta, Barron Ichsan confirmed that there were 7 employees of the state civil apparatus (ASN) in their ranks who were positive for COVID-19.

Even though there are ASNs exposed, the Class 1 Non-TPI Immigration Office located in the Kemayoran area does not apply Lockdown.

"Our positive employees from the search results all come from the family cluster and not the office," Barron said when confirmed by reporters, Friday, February 4.

Barron said, although there were 7 employees who tested positive for COVID-19, his party had not yet implemented a lockdown. Central Jakarta Immigration only applies work from home (WFH) of 50 percent.

According to Barron, his party cannot do a lockdown because the immigration office is part of the service for foreign citizens (WNA). As related to the validity period of residence permits in Indonesia.

"We always remind all employees to continue to implement strict health protocols (prokes)," he said.

Spraying in all areas of the immigration office both inside and outside has also been carried out. In one day the immigration office sprayed disinfectant liquid 2 times.

"All positive employees undergo Independent Isolation (Isoman) at their respective homes. There are no symptoms in employees," he said.