KPK Confirms Investigating ML Of Officials Involving Family And Boyfriends

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has confirmed that the money laundering crime (TPPU) carried out by officials and involving families and girlfriends has been investigated.
This was conveyed in response to a statement by the Head of the Center for Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis (PPATK) Ivan Yustiavandana who said that there were various modes of money laundering by officials. Including, involving family, girlfriends, and other people.
"What the PPATK has conveyed is what the KPK has disclosed," said KPK chairman Firli Bahuri to reporters quoted on Friday, February 4.
One example of money laundering involving family, continued Firli, occurred in the case of a former official of the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) of the Ministry of Finance, Wawan Ridwan.
During the trial, it was revealed that Wawan's son, Muhammad Farsha Kautsar, received money from his father which was then sent to other parties, such as his close friend, former Garuda Indonesia flight attendant Siwi Widi.
Firli ensured that his party always explores the flow of funds in the corruption cases that he handles. All suspects caught disguising their assets from the proceeds of the raid will be charged with money laundering offenses.
"To maximize state losses, as far as I know, we always apply money laundering to corruption perpetrators," he said.
"Especially for suspects who have sufficient evidence that their assets originate from criminal acts of corruption," added Firli.
The former deputy for prosecution of the Corruption Eradication Commission said the application of the article was an effort to recover state losses. "So there will be a deterrent effect," said Firli.
In a working meeting with Commission III of the DPR RI last Monday, January 31, PPATK revealed that there were a number of modes of money laundering offenses carried out by corruptors. Including pouring money to family, girlfriends, and other people.
He said the phenomenon was actually not a new finding. In fact, a number of law enforcement officers have uncovered money laundering cases involving female friends.
"So, not only to family, but sorry, for example to girlfriends or other fake people and all kinds of things. That's what we call nominees," said Ivan.