DKI's Proposal For PTM Not Fully Accepted By Central Government, Deputy Governor Understands

JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria admits that he understands that the proposal from DKI Governor Anies Baswedan so that PTM is 100 percent stopped from studying at home is 100 percent not fully accepted by the central government.

In this case, the central government allows regions that implement PPKM Level 2 such as Jakarta to replace the implementation of 100 percent PTM into limited PTM with a capacity of 50 percent of students.

"It's like having a discussion at home with your parents, asking for a lot, do you want everything to be fulfilled? Yes, gradually, yes," said Riza at DKI City Hall, Thursday, February 3.

Although PTM was not completely stopped, Riza views this as a discussion that was carried out jointly between the central and regional governments. Therefore, the DKI Provincial Government will comply with the implementation of the 50 percent PTM.

"Later the Education Office will regulate the implementation of 50 percent PTM," he said.

Previously, regions that implemented PPKM Level 2 were given the discretion to stop 100 percent PTM and replace it with 50 percent Limited PTM.

This decision was made following a proposal from the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan who asked for 100 percent PTM in the capital to be temporarily suspended and replaced with 100 percent PJJ. This proposal was not fully accepted.

"Starting today, regions with PPKM level 2 are approved to be given discretion to be able to adjust PTM with 100 percent student capacity to 50 percent student capacity," said Secretary General of the Ministry of Education and Culture Suharti in a statement.

Suharti explained that there is an emphasis on the word "can" in this discretionary policy. This means that not all regions have to change the capacity of PTM to 50 percent.

"For PPKM level 2 areas that are ready to implement Limited PTM in accordance with the Decree of the Four Ministers and the spread of COVID-19 is under control, schools in these areas can still implement Limited PTM with 100 percent student capacity," he explained.

Suharti explained that the implementation of Limited PTM in PPKM level 1, level 3, and level 4 areas still follows the existing Four Ministerial SKB.