The Meaning Of 'Trapsila Adhyaksa' That Attorney General Burhanuddin Asked To Always Be Applied By All Prosecutors

JAKARTA - Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin proposed Trapsila Adhyaksa to become the corporate value of the Prosecutor's Office in 2023 and give meaning to the attorney general's office to uphold ethics and manners in carrying out their duties and professions.

"I emphasize that Trapsila Adhyaksa's corporate value should not stop being a mere utopian slogan without being implemented in the implementation of daily tasks," said Burhanuddin at the 2022 Indonesian Attorney's National Working Meeting, based on a statement received in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Wednesday, February 2.

Trapsila is a term from the Javanese language which comes from the word patrap which means a place to stand and the word susila which means good. The meaning of the word trapsila is ethics, manners, or morals which discuss the order of how to act and act and become a reference for how the prosecutor acts in the general public.

The Attorney General explained, in the song Mars Adhyaksa there is also a trapsila lemma which means satya adhi wicaksana which is the Trikrama Adhyaksa doctrine as the foundation of the prosecutor's spirit.

"Therefore, I propose that Trapsila Adhyaksa can be used as the corporate value of the Attorney General's Office in 2023," he said.

The Attorney General emphasized that every Adhyaksa person must have a conscience as a reflection in their work to be able to provide useful values for the community. Responsiveness means that the prosecutor must be fast and precise in observing legal developments and technological advances. Furthermore, fairness is the goal of every law enforcement carried out, then accountability is the professionalism of the prosecutor in working based on integrity so that every prosecutor's work can be properly accounted for.

The basic values contained in these corporate values, he said, must be applied by every Adhyaksa employee and become a motivator for every employee to continue to improve their capacity and competence at work.

"Improving the quality of your work will certainly have a positive impact on the progress of the institution. Therefore, I hope that the corporate values of the Trapsila Attorney's Office can be discussed more deeply at this national working meeting," said the Attorney General to Adhyaksa personnel.