Feeling Tired And Coughing, Deputy Regent Of Kulon Progo Fajar Conveys Positive COVID-19

KULON PROGO - Deputy Regent of Kulon Progo Fajar Gegana admitted that he was exposed to COVID-19 from the Karangsari Marriage Cluster and had to undergo isolation at the official residence.

"It's true that I was exposed to COVID-19. When I was in real condition there were no complaints, and no other symptoms. I was just a little tired, and I felt sleepy. I hope it's not Omicron," said Fajar Gegana in Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta Special Region, reported by the Jakarta Post. Between, Wednesday, February 2nd.

He said that he was exposed to COVID-19 and had local transmission in the fourth ring. In terms of chronology from the Marriage Cluster but it has been local transmission.

However, he admitted that the transmission of COVID-19 to him was very fast. When he has a meeting and the meeting has implemented health protocols, in a large room, but exposure can still occur. This virus spreads very quickly.

"We hope it's not Omicron. Even though the characteristics I experienced are like Omicron, but again I hope it's not Omicron. The transmission is very fast," he said. employees in the work environment, ranging from aide, driver, wife and several friends who contacted him before being tested positive.

"So today it has been traced, hopefully the results will come out quickly, so we can anticipate exposure to this virus," he said.

Furthermore, Fajar ensures that he is in good health, but the trend is fast. Several times the meeting discussed Omicron, the spread of this variant is three times faster than the delta variant.

"When the exposure is faster, and the chronology is fast, even though there are no symptoms. It seems different from the delta. The characteristics are dizziness, flu and fatigue," he said.