Mr. Bahlil, Investment In The Manufacturing Sector Reaches The Target Of IDR 325 Trillion

JAKARTA - The manufacturing sector has recorded brilliant achievements throughout 2022. This is evidenced by the investment book that has exceeded the target with a realization of IDR 325.4 trillion.

Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita said this figure was higher than the initial target of Rp. 280 trillion to Rp. 290 trillion.

“This is an important signal for the Indonesian economy, because it shows that the level of trust in Indonesia is still high. Investors still see that Indonesia is good for business and investment. I believe this is an important momentum for the post-pandemic economy to strengthen," he said in a press release quoted on Wednesday, February 2.

According to the Minister of Industry, last year's moncer results consisted of domestic investment (PMDN) amounting to Rp94.7 trillion and foreign investment (PMA) amounting to US$15.8 billion.

In detail, the basic metal, metal goods, non-machinery and equipment sub-sector recorded the largest investment portion, which was Rp. 117.5 trillion, or contributed 13.0 percent of the total investment throughout 2021.

"So far, investment in the manufacturing sector has also had a broad impact on the national economy, one of which is through employment. The absorption of labor in the manufacturing industry will reach 1.2 million people in 2021, bringing the total number to 18.64 million people," he said.

Meanwhile, the realization of these investments is mostly spread across five regions in the country, namely West Java at Rp. 136.1 trillion or 15.1 percent, DKI Jakarta at Rp. 103.3 trillion or 11.5 percent, East Java at Rp. 79, 5 trillion or 8.8 percent, Banten Rp 58 trillion or 6.4 percent, Riau Rp 53 trillion or 5.9 percent.

"We hope that this industrial sector investment, in addition to having an impact on the absorption of local workers in each region, is able to also move the small industrial sector in the areas that are the investment objectives," said Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang.

Separately, Investment Minister Bahlil Lahadalia said that the realization of investment for the 2021 period nationally was recorded at IDR 901.02 trillion. This score is equivalent to 104 percent of the RPJMN of IDR 864 trillion and 101 percent of the target mandated by President Jokowi of IDR 900 trillion.

"It means we have exceeded the president's target. Alhamdulillah, I thank those who support me," said Bahlil as reported by VOI some time ago.