Vice President Hopes Chinese New Year Celebration Strengthens Indonesian Nation's Harmony And Brotherhood

JAKARTA – In the happy atmosphere of the 2573 Lunar New Year celebration, the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ma'ruf Amin, hopes that the harmony and brotherhood of the nation in the country will be closer.

"May God Almighty always strengthen the harmony and brotherhood of the Indonesian nation," said the Vice President in a press release in Jakarta, Tuesday, February 1, quoted by Antara.

According to the Vice President, the atmosphere of Chinese New Year celebrations is always warm and happy. Even in the atmosphere of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Vice President hopes it will not reduce the meaning of the Chinese New Year celebrations this year.

"The Chinese New Year is very closely related to a warm and joyful family atmosphere. In the face of various limitations caused by the pandemic, I hope it will not reduce the meaning of the Chinese New Year," he said.

The Vice President also hopes that the Indonesian people will continue to be able to maintain harmony and harmony between each other, and the celebration of the Chinese New Year this time will bring blessings.

"Hopefully this new year can bring blessings to all of us, and further strengthen harmony and harmony with others," hoped the Vice President.

Closing his remarks, the Vice President congratulated the Chinese New Year celebration and also prayed for the community to become stronger and braver, and optimistic in facing various kinds of national challenges.

"To my Confucian brothers and sisters who celebrate, I wish you a Happy Chinese New Year 2573. May God Almighty shower us with strength and courage to face every challenge in this new year," he explained.