Integration Of Taxation Data Of Mining BUMN Holding, Efficient Tax Revenue Collection

JAKARTA - The Directorate General of Taxes and Mining Industry Indonesia (Mind ID) or Holding BUMN Mining, signed a memorandum of understanding on tax data integration marking a new chapter of tax compliance for five state-owned mining companies, namely PT Antam Tbk, PT Bukit Asam Tbk, PT Freeport Indonesia, PT Inalum (Persero), and PT Timah Tbk.

Head of the Mind ID Tax Data Integration Team, Dedy Aryanto, said the collaboration today was a continuation of the joint program of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of BUMN to improve BUMN corporate governance.

"Especially in terms of tax transparency so that it can be an example for the corporate sector in Indonesia as well as increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of tax administration," he said, in Jakarta, Friday, September 4.

Dedy said data integration was part of a cooperative compliance strategy which emphasized synergy and joint efforts of the authorities and taxpayers to provide mutually beneficial benefits for both parties.

For taxpayers, said Dedy, tax transparency brings tangible benefits, namely reducing the burden of compliance and the risk of future examinations or disputes, which is often a long and expensive process because it diverts company resources from productive activities.

"For the DGT, data integration provides access to taxpayer financial data as well as data on transactions made by taxpayers with third parties," he said.

With this data, said Dedy, the DGT can carry out research and compliance testing electronically so that it can reduce administrative burdens related to audits and also potential objections and appeals.

"Thus this cooperation increases the effectiveness and efficiency of tax revenue collection," he said.

DGT hopes that large corporations with complex tax administrations can immediately follow the steps of tax transparency as has been implemented by Mind ID and a number of other state-owned companies. So that it becomes much simpler and more efficient while reducing the risk of tax disputes.