25 Confucian Convicts Receive Chinese Lunar Special Remission

JAKARTA - The Directorate General of Corrections (Ditjen PAS) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) has given special remissions for Chinese New Year 2022 to Confucian inmates. At least, there are 25 inmates who get the remission.

"Giving remissions to 25 of the 69 Confucian inmates who are spread throughout Indonesia," said Director General of Corrections (Dirjenpas), Reynhard Silitonga in his statement, Tuesday, February 1.

With the granting of remissions, the sentences for dozens of inmates were reduced. From 15 days to 2 months.

"In detail, 3 people got a reduced sentence of 15 days, 13 people got a reduced sentence of 1 month, 7 people got a reduced sentence of 1 month and 15 days, and 2 people got a reduced sentence of 2 months," said Reynhard.

"The Bangka Belitung Islands contributed to the highest number of recipients of the Lunar New Year RK, namely 11 inmates, followed by the West Kalimantan Regional Office of Law and Human Rights with 3 inmates, and the Regional Offices of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Banten, DKI Jakarta and Riau each with 2 prisoners. The rest came from the Regional Offices of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in Bali, Jambi, Java. West, Central Java, and Riau Islands each one," he continued.

In addition, Reynhard also stated that this remission was given online. Where, the process uses the Correctional Database System (SDP).

“With online Remission through SDP, the process becomes faster, cheaper, more accurate, and transparent. Prisoners' rights are guaranteed, officers' accountability and integrity are maintained," said Reynhard.

The granting of remission is an appreciation given by the state to prisoners who have tried and shown a change in behavior for the better. "It's not just a reduction in the criminal period, but it is hoped that it will increase the faith and motivation of prisoners to become better human beings," said Reynhard.