Ridwan Kamil's Story About Its People Are Afraid To Become Vaccine Volunteers

JAKARTA - As many as 1,620 West Java residents are currently volunteering for the phase three clinical trial of the Sinovac vaccine. West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil admitted that his party had difficulty finding volunteers.

Where from the opening up to running for several weeks, the vaccine volunteers registered only reached 200 people. However, Kang Emil, his nickname, can be passed well.

"Earlier, many were afraid because they received hoaxes, that later there would be a chip installation, that later we would be genetically recorded, or this vaccine was not lawful, it's a long story. Because of this ignorance and provocation, so I don't want to register," he said. Emil in virtual discussion, Friday, September 4th.

Out of people's fears, Emil decided to become a vaccine volunteer. The goal is to convince citizens that there are people who are valid references regarding the use of vaccines.

"Because I am the governor and head of the task force, all of my talk will become a reference. That's right, after I became a volunteer, the level of provocation that was not clear dropped," Emil explained.

Last Tuesday, Emil underwent a vaccine injection for the first time. Then Emil will return to undergo the second phase of vaccine injection. All the injections and blood draws were carried out 6 times.

"Tomorrow I was injected, then later stage three was injected again. Then, the rest was blood drawn until it was found that my body's immunization could increase to 90 percent," said Emil.

"If my immune system increases 90 percent, it means that I am strong against COVID-19. So, I will become a testimony that vaccines can be produced and distributed to the public," he continued.

Furthermore, Emil predicts the decision on the efficacy of the Sinovac vaccine will come out in December 2020. In December the vaccine was declared successful in increasing body immunity, so in January 2020, the vaccine could be mass produced by PT Bio Farma.

Emil admitted that he was grateful that the Bio Farma company was in West Java. This is because, he said, the cost of distributing vaccines to the public would be cheap.

"Because it is produced in Bandung, the price is cheap, we can control the amount. We will not be controlled by imported finished goods. Because, if imported, the price is regulated by the country there. That is the wisdom of Biofarma being in West Java and being able to produce it ourselves," he added. .