Positive Cases Of COVID-19 In Private Schools Increase By 9 People, Total Becomes 40 Cases

SLEMAN - There have been nine more confirmed cases of COVID-19 in private schools in Mlati District, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, bringing the total to 40 cases.

"The addition of students and education personnel who were confirmed positive for COVID-19 is known from the results of tracing carried out on students and teachers at the boarding school," said Head of the Sleman Regency Education Office, Ery Widaryana, quoted by Antara, Monday, January 31.

According to him, tracing in the school environment was expanded not only to students, but also to teachers, education staff, cleaning staff and catering staff.

"So there are regular schools and boarding schools. There are cases in the dormitories, there are no cases in the regular class," he said.

Ery said that although there were no cases of COVID-19 spreading in the regular classes, as a form of anticipation for the face-to-face learning process (PTM), both regular and dormitories were asked to be closed for the next 14 days.

"The Health Service (Dinkes) has expanded tracing to close contacts so that positive cases were also found among high school students and their religious teachers. Until now the number of school residents exposed to COVID-19 is 40 people, consisting of 28 junior high school students, five teachers (ustad) and seven high school students," he said.

Ery said that for high school tracing continues to be carried out, but this is not the authority of the Sleman Regency Education Office, but the authority of the DIY Province.

"Those who were exposed are in one complex and are still undergoing self-isolation in the school dormitory," he said.

Ery explained that the chronology of the spread of COVID-19 in the private school started with a boarding student who was initially sick but continued to enter the dormitory.

"After being checked, it turned out to be positive for COVID-19, so the student who was first exposed to COVID-19 was actually a boarding school student, but he drove (home to the dormitory), didn't live in the dormitory," he said.