This Woman Experienced Sexual Harassment On Facebook's Metaverse, Crazy!

JAKARTA - A woman from England named Nina Jane Patel received indecent treatment from three male characters she met on Facebook's Metaverse. He explained, the incident was only a few seconds after he entered the virtual world.

Reporting from the Daily Mail, Monday, January 31, Nina saw and heard directly through her VR headset when her character was mistreated by a group of men. He said that his avatar was aggressively groped by three men.

The mother of four admitted to being harassed on Metaverse Facebook recently. He said that when he entered the lobby, a virtual space that served as an entry point, he was immediately chased by three male characters in less than a minute.

Even though she doesn't really feel love, Nina is said to have suffered from depression since the sexual harassment took place. The victim is now afraid for the safety of her daughter and other women in the virtual world. That's because the Metaverse is said to be lawless, meaning that everyone is free to do whatever they want.

"I entered the Metaverse as an avatar that looked just like me. Within 60 seconds, 3 male avatars who all had male voices, came towards me and touched me inappropriately," the 43-year-old said.

Nina admitted that the perpetrators took screenshots when the three were groping her avatar. He also revealed that the perpetrator said inappropriate things when the harassment took place.

“Before I knew what was happening, they took screenshots of the moment they touched my avatar, both my upper and lower body. When they do that, they say things like, 'Don't pretend they don't like it,'” he continued.

The victim's experience is seen as fueling fears that the Metaverse, which experts predict will be worth up to 67.1 billion US dollars per year by 2024, will become a den of sex predators and pedophiles.