G20 Manpower Discussion Forum Encourages Solving Problems Of Poverty And Unemployment

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto said that Indonesia in the G20 Presidency has a strong commitment to support the transformation of the world of labor (labor) towards industry 4.0.

"Therefore, it is highly hoped that Labor20 (L20) can make some kind of piloting, sample questions, or lighthouse so that the success of this transformation can be encouraged from the perspective of retraining reskilling, and also from a welfare perspective. Of course this can be replicated by other countries, " he said while giving a speech at the Labor20 Kick-Off Meeting in Jakarta, Monday, January 31.

According to Airlangga, L20 is a forum for trade union meetings that have been included in the G20 agenda since the French Presidency in 2011.

"The trade union delegation will meet with leaders of G20 countries attending the summit, and these ideas can certainly be proposed in the scope of job stabilization, social protection for workers affected by the crisis or affected by the pandemic," he said.

Indonesia itself showed its leadership by reporting that the government had provided wage subsidies with a budget of Rp. 8.8 trillion for 8.8 million workers. In addition, the Pre-Employment Card Program was also launched which during 2020 to 2021 has reached 11.4 million people.

"This is the Government's first fully digital program from upstream to downstream. Now this program has also included elements of face recognition. So, it is fully AI and the payment is from the state treasury directly to the participant's e-wallet," he continued.

Airlangga hopes that the trade union organizations of the G20 group of countries as well as invitations from various international institutions can agree on real action breakthroughs for the recovery and protection of workers.

“Of course the big goal of all of this is to eradicate poverty and unemployment. L20 must fight for benefits for vulnerable groups of workers such as women and persons with disabilities. The whole world this year will pay attention to Indonesia. I hope L20 will also follow the health protocol in a disciplined manner," concluded Coordinating Minister Airlangga.