Mimi And Maya Claim To Have Made Chinese Pastries And Dodol, But Their House Is Actually Scorched On Fire Ahead Of Chinese New Year

JAKARTA - Mimi (50), one of the residents of Chinese descent whose house burned down on Jalan Jayakarta, Gang Budi Rahayu 1, Sawah Besar, Central Jakarta, can only mourn her fate.

This year, Mimi admitted, all the items that had been prepared for the Chinese New Year celebration were burned. In fact, tomorrow's celebration, Tuesday, February 1.

Mimi explained, before the fire occurred, her family had already prepared necessities for the Chinese New Year celebration, such as pastries that had been made and dodol food and others. But all of that has been burned.

"Everything was burnt down by the preparation of Chinese New Year food that we usually serve," said Mimi at the site of the fire, Monday, January 31.

However, Mimi said she was grateful because she was still given safety in the event of a fire. He will also make a video call to your brother during the Chinese New Year celebration tomorrow.

"Currently I live in a relative's house at Jembatan V, West Jakarta," he said.

Apart from Mimi, another resident of Chinese descent named Maya (38) also complained of similar suffering. Maya admitted that the clothes to be worn on Chinese New Year did not have time to be saved. Because when the fire broke out, he focused on saving his parents.

"Even though the Chinese New Year is still a little longer, but we have a disaster. All the clothes that we bought to wear are finally just memories because they were burned," he said.

According to Maya, this year's Chinese New Year is only celebrated simply with family. He will visit his parents' house to celebrate Chinese New Year.

"Yes, this year we just do the Chinese New Year celebration. After all, everything we have prepared has been sold out," he said.

Previously, the fire destroyed 38 semi-permanent houses belonging to residents in Budi Rahayu 1 alley, RT 05.06 and 07 RW 09, Mangga Dua Selatan Village, Sawah Besar, Central Jakarta on Thursday 27 January.