Victim Of Illegal Loans Claims Only Four Days To Receive Money, Has Been Billed And Threatened By Debt Collector

JAKARTA - Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Endra Zulpan said three suspects who worked in illegal online loans (Pinjol) did not collect according to the agreement. The application is called Kredito.

Based on the victim's statement, M, he was billed four days after the loan. Whereas in the initial procedure seven days from the agreement.

"So what is being offered is not in accordance with the promotional labels and so on. Because the promotional label doesn't say if you're late you'll be threatened like that. But in fact there are," Zulpan told reporters at the North Jakarta Metro Police, Monday, January 31.

“(Only) four days after receiving the loan, the victim was contacted by the creditor to collect the loan debt. Meanwhile, what is stated in the application is a seven-day refund. So the agreement was seven days but only four days were billed," he continued.

What's more, this illegal loan company collects by threatening to spread customer data. This is the criminal element of the company.

"Scare customers if they are not cooperative by sending an FC ID card to the phone number found on the customer's cellphone contact, and threatening words," he said.

For information, the police have named three suspects for alleged threats based on online loans (Pinjol) in the Pantai Indah Kapuk area, North Jakarta. They were arrested on Friday, January 28.

The three suspects have the initials YFC (38) boss pinjol and two other perpetrators S (34) and N (22) For their actions, the suspect is suspected of being charged with article 27 paragraph 5 in conjunction with article 45 paragraph 1 and or article 30 paragraph 1 in conjunction with article 45 paragraph 1 and or article 52 paragraph 4 of the RI Law number 19 of 2016 concerning amendments to the Republic of Indonesia Law number 11 of 2008 regarding ITE, the threat of 4 years or a fine of 600 million and also Article 368 of the Criminal Code which threatens a maximum of 9 years.

Then Article 115 in conjunction with Article 65 paragraph 2 of the Republic of Indonesia Law number 7 of 2018 concerning trade with a maximum penalty of 12 years and a maximum fine of Rp. 12 billion. Article 8 paragraph 1 letter f and article 3 paragraph 1 letter C and d Jo Article 62 paragraph 1 of the Republic of Indonesia Law No. 8 of 1999 concerning consumer protection is punishable by 5 years and a fine of Rp. 2 billion.