Omicron Goes Crazy, Sri Mulyani Hopes Candidates For The OJK Board Of Commissioners To Take Care Of Their Health So That They Can Follow The Entire Selection Process On Time

JAKARTA - Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani who is also the Chair of the Selection Committee for the Selection of Candidates for the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority (DK OJK) for the 2022-2027 period has determined that 155 names have passed the first stage of selection or the administrative selection of the OJK DK.

Based on an official statement, quoted from Antara, Monday, January 31, the Candidates for OJK DK members who were determined to pass the selection include Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mahendra Siregar, Deputy for Macroeconomic and Financial Coordination of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs Iskandar Simorangkir, and President Director of the PT Stock Exchange. Indonesia Inarno Djajadi.

Then, the President Director of the Indonesian Banking Development Institute (LPPI) Mirza Adityaswara, Main Expert Staff of the Presidential Staff Office Bambang Prijambodo, President Commissioner of PT Finnet Difi Johansyah, to BPJS Employment Advisor Elvyn Masassya.

Sri Mulyani emphasized that the decision of the selection committee is final, binding and cannot be contested, so that all Candidates for OJK DK Members who pass the administrative selection) will take part in the second stage of selection, namely the assessment of input from the public, track records, and papers.

In the second stage of the selection, the public is asked to participate to provide input and/or information regarding the integrity, track record, and/or behavior of Candidates for OJK DK Members who pass the administrative selection, with several conditions.

First, submit input and/or information to the selection committee via email or by letter sent to the selection committee at the address Djuanda Building I floor G, Jalan Dr. Wahidin Raya No. 1 Central Jakarta 10710, starting on January 31, 2022 and received no later than February 16, 2022 at 23:59 WIB.

Second, accompanying evidence or supporting documents scanned and attached to an email or attached to a letter if any, the selection committee guarantees the confidentiality of the community's identity and input and/or information provided, and does not correspond to the input and/or information received.

He said the results of the second stage of selection will be announced through the selection,, and after February 16, 2022, after the end of the submission period for input and/or or information from the public.

"In connection with the COVID-19 pandemic situation, all Candidates for OJK DK members are expected to maintain their health so that they can participate in the entire selection process in a timely manner according to the schedule, including assessments and health checks (physical attendance) at hospitals appointed by the selection committee, which will be carried out. immediately after the announcement of the results of the second phase of selection," explained Sri Mulyani.

As is known, the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus continues to craze in the country, especially DKI Jakarta. Based on data from the DKI Jakarta Health Office as of Thursday, January 27, Omicron cases reached 2,404 cases, namely imported cases (PPLN) reaching 1,309 cases or 54.5 percent and local transmission cases (non-PPLN) reaching 1,095 cases or 45.5 percent.