Mass Community Service, Mayor Of Surabaya Receives Many Complaints From Residents About Flood

SURABAYA - Mayor of Surabaya Eri Cahyadi received many complaints from residents about waterways and flood management during mass community service activities held in all sub-districts in the City of Heroes, East Java.

"We had received complaints from residents. Thank God, after that we gathered together to solve the problems in this village," said Mayor Eri Cahyadi while cleaning waterways on Nyamplungan Balokan Street and Nyamplungan Gang XII, Pegirian Village, Semampir District, Surabaya quoted by Antara, Sunday, January 30.

After leaving Nyamplungan, Mayor Eri and his staff headed to the next village on Jalan Sombo Gang 5, Semampir District, Surabaya. In this second location, Mayor Eri entered the alleys to greet residents who were busy with community service.

In fact, he did not hesitate, he helped his residents dredge the waterways using an iron drain. After that, Mayor Eri and his staff moved to another location, precisely on Jalan Sidotopo Sekolahan Gang I, Sidotopo Village, Semampir District. There Mayor Eri was welcomed by residents, then joined in the community service.

Finally, Mayor Eri sat with residents of RW 5 on the side of Jalan Sidotopo Sekolahan Gang I resting while enjoying fried foods. On the sidelines, he accepted the complaints of his residents and provided the best solution so that there would be no more puddles in this village.

"The complaint was related to the channel, related to the river. So God willing, we will solve it together, because I want to finish the village with the RT and RW like this. If this togetherness is done, God willing, the problem will be solved. This is Mr. RW-ne top," he said.

One of the residents who confided in Mayor Eri about the drainage and the difficulty of receding water when it rained was Mulyono, Deputy Chair of RW 5, Sidotopo Village, Semampir District. When meeting the number one person in the City of Heroes, Mulyono said that the main cause of inundation in his area was the lack of repairs to the culverts.

"This is a large area, there is Sidotopo Sekolahan Gang I, Gang II and Gang III. For Gang II, the sewers have not been repaired long ago, they have been submitted to Cipta Karya but failed, because at that time the first pandemic occurred," said Mulyono.

The cause of the difficulty of receding inundation is because there are some unscrupulous residents who are difficult to advise about the prohibition of throwing garbage in the river. In addition, he said, what made it difficult for the water to recede was the narrowing of the channel, which was caused by the construction of houses on public facilities (fasum).

"What we want is not to let the water pile up on the public facilities. So it will narrow, then it will be inundated, it will harm other residents," he said.

As is known, this mass service work was held simultaneously in all sub-districts throughout the city of Surabaya. Based on the Mayor's Circular Letter No. 660.2/1430/436.7.10/2022, which was issued on Wednesday, January 25, 2022.

In this community service, Mayor Eri wants his residents to move together to clean the canals and the environment to prevent puddles and eradicate the Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) mosquito.

Head of the Surabaya City Environment Agency (DLH), Hebi Agus Djuniantoro, explained that in this mass service, his side together with the Surabaya Water Resources and Highways Service (DSDABM) moved 34 dump trucks and 2,000 bags of garbage in each sub-district. Then, the waste resulting from this community service is transported to the final disposal site.

"We hope that the public will be aware of the environment, because it is still the rainy season and prone to inundation. In fact, the puddles can cause disease, like the recent dengue fever," he said.