Inspired By General Sudirman, Jo Sahabat Sejati's Film Makes Horses The Main Players

JAKARTA - The film Jo Sahabat Sejati which was introduced to the public by Alamanda Production in Jakarta, Saturday, raised the story of friendship and struggle, one of which was inspired by the figure of the Great Commander General Sudirman.

However, the inspiration obtained from General Sudirman is not only shown in stories between humans, but through the story of friendship between a horse named Jo and a group of children and villagers.

Director "Jo Sahabat Sejati" Alex Latief when met in Jakarta, Saturday, conveyed that the values and qualities that could be imitated from General Sudirman were brought back to life in the film, especially in the main character, a horse named Jo.

“There is a segment in the film that tells the story of Jo's struggle to save his best friend. This is the same as a metaphor, (as) in the performance of the drama Commander General Sudirman," said Alex Latief as quoted from ANTARA, January 31.

The figure of the Great Commander General Sudirman became the inspiration for many works of art, ranging from literature, drama performances, to films.

Besides the figure of General Sudirman, the film "Jo Sahabat Sejati" was also inspired by the friendship between Film Producer Amanda Latief and her pet.

According to Amanda, the friendship between her and the dogs she raises also became a source of inspiration for making the film. “Jo Sahabat Sejati” is a family film that tells the story of friendship between a horse and a group of children and villagers. In the film, Alex as the director put the figure of a horse as the main character.

“We want the horse to be the main character. He is not an object, but a subject," explained Alex.

There are at least three horses, which belong to the family of Alex Latief, trained for 2 years to play the figure of Jo.

“Horses are trained according to the script (script, ed.). We train consistently (for) 1.5 years," he said at a press conference in Jakarta, Saturday.

The horse is not the only highlight in the film "Jo Sahabat Sejati", but there are also several young actors who made their debut in the film, including Novika Siregar, Cornel Nadeak, Adry Wicaksono, and Ismu Tanjung.

So far, Alamanda Production as the production house of Jo Sahabat Sejati has not been able to announce the film's show schedule in theaters. However, Film Producer Amanda said "Jo Sahabat Sejati" can be seen by the public in cinemas in the near future.