BPBD Names 10 Districts In Lebak Regency Prone To Land Movements

LEBAK - Land movements caused a number of houses belonging to residents in Cilangkap Village, Kalanganyar District, Lebak Regency, Banten Province, to sink to a depth of 1.5 meters.

"Fortunately, the natural disaster did not cause any casualties or injuries," said Udin (55), a Cilangkap resident whose house collapsed, Saturday, January 29.

Because his house collapsed due to ground movement that occurred in an area of 450 meters long, Udin and his family fled to their parents' house.

According to Udin, signs of ground movement have been visible since a week ago, so he and his family decided to evacuate to their parents' house which was not far from their house.

"We cannot imagine that if the house is occupied, it will certainly cause casualties," said Udin.

He admitted that he suffered a loss of around Rp250 million because his house collapsed.

"Of course we are confused about rebuilding the house, because of the current economic difficulties," he said.

According to the Head of the Lebak Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency, Febby Rizky Pratama, the Kalanganyar, Cimarga, Muncang, Sajira, Cipanas, Lebak Gedong, Curugbitung, Bojongmanik, Cirinten, and Banjarsari sub-districts are prone to landslides because they are close to river flows.

"We urge residents around the riverbanks to be alert if it rains heavily," said Febby.