North Jakarta Immigration Arrests 18 Foreigners, 11 Of Them Don't Have Passports

JAKARTA - The North Jakarta TPI Class I Office has secured 18 foreign nationals who live in the Gading Nias Residence Apartment, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta.

Head of the Immigration Office Class I TPI North Jakarta Sandi Andaryadi said the 18 foreigners were secured on Wednesday, January 26.

"We cooperate with the manager of the Gading Nias Apartment in conducting data collection in the field, there are many foreigners who are uncooperative and hide in their rooms," said Sandi in a written statement received by, Friday, January 28.

Sandi explained that out of the 18 foreigners, only 7 people were able to show their travel document passports.

The seven foreigners came from 5 Nigerians, 1 Ivory Coast and 1 Senegal. Meanwhile, the 11 foreign nationals are still unknown because they cannot show their passports to immigration officials.

“We have secured it at the office for inspection of travel documents. and also the residence permit that is owned," he said.

"We will investigate and check through the Immigration database. If it is proven and fulfills the element of violating the immigration rules, an Immigration Administrative Action in the form of Deportation will be carried out," he continued.

On that occasion, Sandi said, the 18 foreigners were suspected of violating Article 71 letter b of Law no. 6 of 2011 for not being able to carry out their obligations to show travel documents and Article 78 paragraph 3 of Law no. 6 of 2011 due to staying in Indonesia exceeding the time limit of the Stay Permit owned (overstay).

The results of the latest examination, two Nigerian citizens have been proven to be overstayed and will be deported back to their country on Saturday, January 29, 2022.

Meanwhile, the Head of Inteldakim, Bong Bong Prakoso Napitupulu, the 18 foreigner, was declared negative. After his party did a COVID-19 test on them.

"(We) conducted a COVID-19 swab test on 18 foreigners who were secured, and the results were all negative for Covid-19," he said.