The Government Sets 16 State Universities As Legal Entities, UI Becomes The Campus With The Largest Assets Of IDR 40 Trillion

JAKARTA - Until 2021, the government has designated 16 Universities as Legal Entity State Universities (PTNBH) at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek). Of these, 12 of them have initial assets of Rp. 22.05 trillion, while the value of BMN in the form of land is Rp. 161.30 trillion.

Director of State Property, DJKN Ministry of Finance, Encep Sudarwan explained that PTNBH's assets are divided into two, namely PTNBH's initial assets in the form of non-land assets and State Property (BMN) in the form of land.

"Each type of asset is managed by a different mechanism according to the PTNBH Statute PP and PP 26 of 2015. Land in PTNBH is administered in the BMN list at the Ministry of Education and Technology and the status of its use is determined by the Ministry of Education and Technology," he said during a chat with DJKN, Friday, January 28.

The details of the 12 PTNBH are the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB); Bogor Agricultural University (IPB); Gadjah Mada University (UGM); University of Indonesia (UI); Indonesian Education University (UPI); and Hasanuddin University

Then, the University of North Sumatra (USU); Airlangga University; Padjadjaran University; Diponegoro University (Undip); Ten November Institute of Technology (ITS); and Sebelas Maret University (UNS).

"12 PTNBHs have set their initial assets, while four other universities, namely Andalas University, Brawijaya University, Padang State University and Malang State University are still in the process of determining the initial asset value (PNKA)," he explained.

Encep said that to support the implementation of its duties and functions, PTNBH can use land that is still a BMN and the results of the utilization will become PTNBH's income. Utilization of land that becomes BMN is carried out after obtaining approval from the Minister of Finance and reported to the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.

"This is what we encourage so that there is PNBP. What is it for? This money goes directly to PTNBH, it's different from the Ministry/Agency. TNI, there are facilities that go to the state treasury. Likewise other Ministries/Institutions," he said.

Encep also emphasized that land which is a BMN cannot be transferred or pledged to other parties. Meanwhile, land obtained from PTNBH's activities is PTNBH's property and can be transferred to other parties after obtaining approval from the Board of Trustees (MWA).

"Meanwhile, the management of PTNBH's initial assets and other additional assets is under the authority of the respective PTNBH leaders. The recording of PTNBH's assets is presented in the LKPP as government investment," he said.

Of the 16 PTNBH established, Universitas Indonesia is the campus with the largest assets. The campus, known as the yellow alma mater, has assets of up to Rp40 trillion.

The following is a list of 12 PTNBHs with the highest assets:

1. UI, BMN in the form of land Rp40,491,638,670,0002. UGM, BMN in the form of land Rp. 30,018,134,322.4753. UNDIP, BMN in the form of land Rp12,458,480,633,0004. IPB, BMN in the form of land Rp. 11,809,161,505.4105. ITS, BMN in the form of land Rp. 10,856,199,025,0006. ITB, BMN in the form of land Rp. 10,423,016,262.8497. UNAIR, BMN in the form of land Rp. 9,390,370,924,7808. UNHAS, BMN in the form of land Rp. 8,980,829,750,2999. UNPAD, BMN in the form of land Rp. 8,467,283,363,62210. UNS, BMN in the form of land Rp 8,024,522,987,00011. USU, BMN in the form of land Rp 6,019,006,224,00012. UPI, BMN in the form of land IDR 4,366,827,566,080