There Is A Potential For Land Fires In North Aceh Due To Hot Weather

ACEH - Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Malikussaleh Station, Lhokseumawe, Aceh, warned of the potential for land fires following hot weather in North Aceh Regency and its surroundings.

"The weather for the next few days tends to be hot, although the potential for rain is still there. This condition has the potential to cause land fires," said Head of BMKG Malikussaleh Siswanto in Lhokseumawe City, as reported by Antara, Friday, January 28.

Siswanto said the hot weather was triggered before the change of season from rainy to dry. During this transitional season, relatively extreme weather events occur, such as heavy rains of short duration and lightning.

According to Siswanto, from the data analysis there are several areas in North Aceh and its surroundings that have the potential for fire to occur. Although climatologically, it is still in the rainy season until early February 2022.

"Entering at the second base from February 11 to mid-March 2022, we are already in the transition season or transition from the rainy season to the dry season," said Siswanto.

Therefore, Siswanto reminded the public and corporations not to burn the land because the temperature was observed in the range of 22 to 32 degrees Celsius which could trigger hotspots and land fires.

"Meanwhile, the potential for sea waves on the east coast of Aceh, the Malacca Strait, for the next three days is monitored to be safe for fishing activities," said Siswanto.