PBSI Summons 88 Athletes To Badminton Training, Praveen/Melati Officially Eliminated
JAKARTA – PBSI has officially summoned 88 athletes to join the 2022 National Training Center (Pelatnas). There is no national best mixed doubles name Praveen Jordan and Melati Daeva Oktavianti in the list of called-up athletes.
The summons is through a decree (SK) number SKEP/007/1.3/I/2022 regarding the promotion and relegation of athletes. The letter dated January 24 was signed by the General Chairperson of Agung Firman Sampurna and the Secretary General Moh. Fadil Imran.
"This decree for summoning is not slow, but it is different from previous years, where the series of tests were carried out after the decree was issued," said PP PBSI's Head of Development and Achievement, Rionny Mainaky, in a press statement, Friday, January 28.
The athletes who were called up consisted of athletes who had joined in the previous year and new athletes who passed through the national selection and achievement monitoring routes.
"This year, we want those called by decree to be the best athletes. Those who are ready to compete at the international level with good health conditions and minimal potential for injury, so that a series of tests starting from health, physical, and so on are carried out before the decree is issued," he explained.
Apart from Praveen/Melati, PBSI also did not call for other mixed doubles, namely Hafiz Faizal/Gloria Emanuelle Widjaja. This means that they are certain to be eliminated from the national badminton parent training team.
Rionny explained that everything had gone through an assessment in accordance with the criteria and parameters set by his party. Athletes who are returned to the club are athletes who in the last two years have not met the performance parameter standards of the PBSI.
“For example, the achievements that have not been on target compared to their opportunities and duration in Pelatnas. There are also other factors such as performance and willpower. In addition there are athletes who withdrew. The parameters are clear, such as achievement, age, duration in Pelatnas to character," said Rionny.
In addition to athletes, PBSI also summoned 21 coaches to join the National Training Center. The coaches called up consisted of 17 technical trainers and 4 physical trainers.
There are several changes in the composition of the 2022 Pelatnas coaches. Hendry Saputra Ho and Chafidz Yusuf are certain to no longer join. Meanwhile Richard Mainaky and Ricky Susiono withdrew due to personal reasons.
The following are the names of the athletes and coaches of the 2022 National Team:
Anthony Sinisuka Ginting
Jonathan Christie
Shesar Hiren Rhustavito
Chico Aura Dwi Wardoyo
Ihksan Leonardo Immanuel Rumbay
Christian Adinata
Jonathan Ramlie
The Mighty Word of Belawa
Bobby Setiabudi
Alvi Wijaya Chairullah
Sturdy Sulistio
John Saut Marcellyno
Alwi Farhan
Alfito Pringgo Yudanto
Bodhi Ratana Teja Gotama
Muhammad Reza Al Fadjri
Gregoria Mariska Tunjung
Princess Kusuma Wardani
Stephanie Widjaja
Saif Rizka Nur Hidayah
Asty Dwi Widyaningrum
Nandini Putri Arumni
Bilqis Prasista
Siti Sarah Azzahra
Komang Ayu Cahya Dewi
Asiyah Sativa Fatetani
Kyla Legiana Agatha
Esther Nurumi Tri Wardoyo
Tasya Farahnailah
Mutiara Ayu Puspitasari
Marcus Fernaldi Gideon
Kevin Sanjaya Sukomulyo
Dawn Alfian
Muhammad Rian Ardianto
Bagas Maulana
Muhammad Shohibul Fikri
Pramudya Kusumawardana
Jeremiah Erich Yoche Yakob Rambitan
Leo Rollycarnado
Daniel Martin
Hendra Setiawan (Sparring)
Mohammad Ahsan (Sparring)
Teges Satriaji Cahyo Hutomo
Christopher David Wijaya
Rahmat Hidayat
Muhammad Rayhan Nur Fadillah
Gerardo Rizgullah Hafidz
M. Gibran Arfiansyah
Raymond Indra
Daniel Edgar Marvino
Greysia Polii
Apriyani Rahayu
Siti Fadia Silva Ramadhanti
Rebekah Sugiarto
Nita Violina Marwah
The daughter of Sheikh Ulima Hidayat
Febriana Dwi Puji Kusuma
Amalia Light Pratiwi
Febby Valencia Dwijayanti Gani
Lanny Tria Mayasari
Melani Mamahit
Tryola Nadia
Jesita Putri Miantoro
Kelly Larissa
Savira Nurul Husnia
Rachel Allesya Rose
Meilysa Trias Puspitasari
Nethania Irawan
Febi Setianingrum
Anisanaya Kamila
Az Zahra Ditya Ramadhani
Sofy Al Mushira Asharunnisa
Ridya Aulia Fatasyah
Rinov Rivaldi
Pitha Haningtyas Mentari
Adnan Maulana
Mychelle Crhystine Bandaso
Zacharia Josiahno Sumanti
Hediana Julimarbela
Rehan Naufal Kusharjanto
Lisa Ayu Kusumawati
Amri Syahnawi
Winny Oktavina Kandow
Beautiful Light Sari Jamil
Rafli Ramanda
Aisyah Salsabila Putri Pranata
Az Zahra Putri Dania
Main Athlete Coach
Irwansyah (single son)
Rionny Mainaky (women's singles)
Herli Djaenudin (single daughter)
Harry IP (men's doubles)
Aryono (men's doubles)
Eng Hian (women's doubles)
Prasetyo RB (women's doubles)
Nova Widianto (mixed doubles)
Amon Sunaryo (mixed doubles).
Primary Coach
Harry Hartono (men's singles)
George Rimarcdi (sons singles)
Asep Suharno (single daughter)
Morico Harda (women's singles)
Thomas Indratjaja (men's doubles)
David Y. Pohan (men's doubles)
Enroe (women's doubles)
Moh. Rijal (mixed doubles).
Physical Trainer
Iwan Hermawan (single son)
Yansen Alpine (women's singles)
Ari Subarkah (Women's Doubles)
Felix Ari Bayu Marta (mixed doubles)