Task Force Asks Offices To Re-Apply WFH To Anticipate Spike In COVID-19

JAKARTA - The COVID-19 Task Force asked the office sector to re-implement the work from home (WFH) policy as a form of anticipation so that the virus does not spread further.

"We request that non-essential offices consider implementing WFH again as a form of anticipation of the continued increase in COVID-19 cases," said the National Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Wiku Adisasmito, quoted by Antara, Thursday, January 27.

Wiku emphasized again, COVID-19 is real and is still around us, as long as the pandemic status has not changed to endemic.

Therefore, he appealed to the public to remain vigilant and apply full protection to themselves.

Because, he said, COVID-19 is not indiscriminate and can infect anyone, especially when the risk is greater for health workers who work directly with COVID-19 patients.

Not only that, according to Wiku, the greatest risk is also for workers in the essential sector who work in institutions dealing with COVID-19, as well as for those who, due to the demands of the situation and profession, have a high intensity of mobility and interaction.

Then to the public, Wiku reminded that the correct use of masks is a small thing that is important when going to a crowd.

In addition, he said, it is important for the public to refrain from going to crowds so that COVID-19 cases will immediately decrease.