The Commotion Of Members Of The Silat College In Balung Jember, 2 People Become Suspects

JEMBER - The commotion of members of two martial arts colleges in Balung, Jember, East Java resulted in 3 people being injured. The victim was beaten by about 6 people.

The head of the Balung Sector Police, AKP Sunarto, said the clash began when one of the victims, Nur Wahyudi, a local villager, was about to pick up a friend in a field. He was accompanied by two colleagues.

Arriving at the field, the three were actually intercepted by 6 people from other silat schools.

"Two people started the assault by kicking the victim's chest until he fell, so the three fled and reported their case to the Balung Police Headquarters," said the police chief, Thursday, January 27.

In this case, 2 people were named as suspects. The two are Bj (22) a resident of Karangduren Village and a man with the initials ZK who is on the run.

"One perpetrator is still in our pursuit and we declared a DPO (List of People Searching), we have pocketed his identity with the initials ZK," said AKP Sunarto.

Currently, he said, the Jember Police Sat Samapta Alap-Alap Team also routinely conducts patrols and sweeps at several street corners in Karangduren Village and Tutul Village, Balung District. This was done to prevent further clashes.

"Our patrols are carried out to anticipate. The perpetrators are both from the martial arts college, the possibility of being heard by each group, so that the two parties involved in clashes are still at risk of happening," said AKP Sunarto.