Only 5 Hours, 4,000 Liters Of Cooking Oil At A Price Of Rp. 14,000 Sold Out, Purchased By Residents Of Agam, West Sumatra
AGAM - The operation of a cheap market in Agam Regency, West Sumatra was invaded by residents. In just a few hours, the 4,000 liters of cooking oil at a price of Rp. 14,000 per liter were sold out.
Head of the Market Division of the Industry, Trade, Cooperatives and UKM Office, Agam Nelfia Fauzana, said the last day's market operation was held in the yard of the Mayor's Office of Nagari Koto Tangah, Tilatangkamang District.
"This is the last day of the operation of the cheap cooking oil market that we are holding together with PT Wira Inno Mas," he said in Lubukbasung, as reported by Antara, Thursday, January 27.
He said that the operation of the cheap market started at 09.30 WIB and the cooking oil supply ran out at 14.45 WIB (approximately 5 hours). There were quite a number of people who came to buy cheap oil.
"People's enthusiasm is quite high in buying cheap cooking oil. The market operation is a program of the Ministry of Trade when the price of cooking oil is quite high at the merchant level, from Rp. 19 thousand to Rp. 21 thousand per liter," he said.
Previously, the Agam Regency Government in collaboration with PT Wira Inno Mas also held market operations at the Antokan Terminal Market, Lubukbasung District, as many as 3,000 liters last Wednesday and at the Tanjung Raya Subdistrict Office Courtyard as many as 3,000 liters on.
Meanwhile, Public Relations of PT Wira Inno Mas, Gunawan Ginting, said the quota for cooking oil in Agam is 10 thousand liters and one buyer is allowed to buy two liters of cooking oil. "The oil we sell is of export quality M&M at a market price of Rp. 19 thousand per liter," he said.
This operation is in order to help the community when the price of cooking oil is high in the market.
"This is a form of our concern for the community when the price of cooking oil is quite high after raw materials are high and the harvest of fresh fruit bunches is reduced," he said.